gleero / grunt-favicons

Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android and WP8
MIT License
233 stars 48 forks source link

Everything seems to work except no images in dest folder? #46

Open v3nt opened 9 years ago

v3nt commented 9 years ago

They done't seem to be anywhere else on the my machine either.

Settings are

favicons: { options: { trueColor:true, precomposed: true, appleTouchBackgroundColor: "#e2b2c2", coast: true, windowsTile: true, tileBlackWhite: false, tileColor: "auto", html: 'templates/head-favicons.php', HTMLPrefix: "assest/img/icons/" }, icons: { src: 'assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png', dest: 'assets/img/icons' }

And terminal output is..

Resizing images for "assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png"... sh: line 1: 2772 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 16x16 assets/img/icons/16x16.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1xsveev.exec 2>&1 sh: line 1: 2775 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 32x32 assets/img/icons/32x32.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-f2eh7q.exec 2>&1 sh: line 1: 2777 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 48x48 assets/img/icons/48x48.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-l6mns0.exec 2>&1 OK favicon.ico... sh: line 1: 2779 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/icons/16x16.png assets/img/icons/32x32.png assets/img/icons/48x48.png -alpha on -background none assets/img/icons/favicon.ico ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-vn7mcb.exec 2>&1 OK favicon.png... sh: line 1: 2781 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 64x64 assets/img/icons/favicon.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-saw22a.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon.png... sh: line 1: 2783 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 57x57 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "48x48>" -extent 57x57 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1fz852m.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2785 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 57x57 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "48x48>" -extent 57x57 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1r26diz.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-60x60-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2787 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 60x60 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "51x51>" -extent 60x60 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-60x60-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-z74bl0.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2789 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 72x72 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "61x61>" -extent 72x72 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-17u63yb.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-76x76-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2791 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 76x76 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "65x65>" -extent 76x76 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-76x76-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-11lzard.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2793 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 114x114 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "97x97>" -extent 114x114 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-gidiwj.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2795 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 120x120 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "102x102>" -extent 120x120 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-120x120-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1e1w191.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2797 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 144x144 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "122x122>" -extent 144x144 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1guxdu4.exec 2>&1 OK apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png... sh: line 1: 2799 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 152x152 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten -gravity center -thumbnail "129x129>" -extent 152x152 assets/img/icons/apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-23r41a.exec 2>&1 OK coast-icon-228x228.png... sh: line 1: 2801 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 228x228 -background "#e2b2c2" -flatten assets/img/icons/coast-icon-228x228.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-pi0xe1.exec 2>&1 OK windows-tile-144x144.png... sh: line 1: 2808 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 70x70 assets/img/icons/windows-tile-70x70.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1n0m6tg.exec 2>&1 sh: line 1: 2810 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 144x144 assets/img/icons/windows-tile-144x144.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-q9mbwl.exec 2>&1 sh: line 1: 2812 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 150x150 assets/img/icons/windows-tile-150x150.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-1mzvg0.exec 2>&1 sh: line 1: 2814 Trace/BPT trap: 5 ( convert assets/img/images/Black-Label-Productions.png -resize 310x310 assets/img/icons/windows-tile-310x310.png ) > /var/folders/73/mmgdtxpx7jnf7xxtcgb65kz00000gp/T/114827-2770-19egsvv.exec 2>&1

iparr commented 9 years ago

I have the same issue. This Grunt task worked perfectly on another machine.

timodewinter commented 9 years ago

Same here, all works, except for the images...

nickspiel commented 9 years ago

Same here... You guys get this working?

My setup:

    favicons: {
            options: {
                trueColor: true,
                precomposed: true,
                windowsTile: false,
                appleTouchBackgroundColor: 'white'
            icon: {
                src: 'mysite/images/logo-symbol.png',
                dest: '' // Root directory
iparr commented 9 years ago

This just 'magically' started working again. I believe that a problem may have existed with the library that this task uses to resize images, rather than the Grunt task itself. Sorry I can't give more details.

nickspiel commented 9 years ago

Yeah just tried it again after a restart, still not working for me. :(

v3nt commented 9 years ago

I reinstalled imagemagick and its libraries a few times quite randomly which got it working. Sorry I can't be more specific!