gleero / grunt-favicons

Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android and WP8
MIT License
233 stars 48 forks source link

Seperate favicon generation logic into library #83

Open jacksonrayhamilton opened 7 years ago

jacksonrayhamilton commented 7 years ago

I've found this Grunt plugin quite easy to use and effective. I'm thinking of moving on from Grunt, but would still like to generate favicons in the same way this plugin does. What do you think about separating the logic in this Grunt plugin to a Node.js library, so that non-Grunt users could utilize it?

This plugin could require a Node.js library called favicon-generator. That library could export a function which is essentially the same as the multi-task registered by this project, except the function would receive a hash of options as an argument. The options hash would include all the same options which this plugin currently accepts. Then, this plugin could pass the result of calling this.options() to the favicon-generator library and let the library handle the rest.

Are you interested in making this change? I would also be willing to help out if you wanted.