gleero / grunt-favicons

Generate favicon.ico and icons for iOS, Android and WP8
MIT License
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No images in dest folder #85

Open andrewerrico opened 7 years ago

andrewerrico commented 7 years ago

I just updated node and npm and can't get my favicons working proplerly. The grunt task runs, but no images end up in the destination folder.

Any ideas?

japrescott commented 7 years ago

have experienced the same behavior with node 7.2.1 node 6.x worked without an issue.

Ambient-Impact commented 6 years ago

This still seems to be the case with node 8.4.0. D:

Ambient-Impact commented 4 years ago

Super late update: turns out that this is caused by the use of the legacy convert utility in this plug-in, which isn't installed by default with ImageMagick unless you check that checkbox in the installer. Installing with that seems to make it work correctly, with all the images correctly generated.

japrescott commented 4 years ago

@Ambient-Impact I made a fork of this repo with extended functionality if you are interested;

Ambient-Impact commented 4 years ago

@japrescott Awesome, just started using it. Planning to publish it on NPM as a separate package from the original at some point?

Edit: while this is arguably a low risk security issue, any chance of switching from sync-exec to child_process.execSync as this NPM security advisory recommends? I'd open an issue on your repo but you have issues disabled, it seems.

japrescott commented 4 years ago

@Ambient-Impact thank you. I enabled creating tickets and will be publishing it to npm as different people seem to be using it..