glejeune / Ruby-Graphviz

[MIRROR] Ruby interface to the GraphViz graphing tool
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time for another gem? #85

Closed wwood closed 10 years ago

wwood commented 10 years ago


Thanks for writing and maintaining this very useful library.

I'm having an issue where with the 1.0.9 gem, graph attributes are not output to the dot file:

2.0.0-p247 :023 >, {:type => :graph, :overlap => :scale}).output :dot => '/dev/stdout'
graph G {
    node [label="\N"];
    graph [bb="0,0,0,0"];

Thankfully, the current master fixes this:

2.0.0p247 :002 >, {:type => :graph, :overlap => :scale}).output :dot => '/dev/stdout'
graph GAT {
    graph [overlap=scale];
    node [label="\N"];
    graph [bb="0,0,0,0"];

Would it be possible to release another gem to propagate these fixups please?

Thanks, ben

glejeune commented 10 years ago

1.1.0 is out