glenndehaan / csgo-matchmaking

A matchmaking alternative for CSGO
MIT License
32 stars 13 forks source link

What exactly the system is ? #2

Open abdulsami34 opened 6 years ago

abdulsami34 commented 6 years ago

Can you please explain what the system is about? Is it like Faceit or similar? Does it have any web template as well? If yes, Can you please post screenshots?

Regards, Sami.

glenndehaan commented 6 years ago

My original plan was that this project could be used as an replacement for Faceit or ESEA. The idea was that people could run an own matchmaking software for their own servers. But after 2 weeks of development I found out that such a system is a bit complex en would require an almost rebuild of Steam to make this an success. So after my first prototype with contains of an console based app. Both client and server. With simple functionality. I put the project here so others can work further on it if they want. So no I don't have screenshots and it doesn't have a GUI or web interface.

bboychris168 commented 3 years ago

Hey @glenndehaan I just saw this system and i was thinking i could give you a hand on some ideas if you are still interested. I have a project that could definitely work and its a much more simpler system than your current repo i dont mind sharing you my code. my discord is MayNgu#8666 if you want to talk to me there.

glenndehaan commented 3 years ago

Hey @bboychris168 i'm always up for a chat. I have to say however that i'm not playing any CS at the moment and i'm a bit packed with other projects. But a chat is always fine with me. I will add you shortly.

SamuelGogarty commented 1 year ago

that such a system is a bit complex en would require an almost rebuild of Steam

I don't think so necessarily, instead of trying to figure out how to put together a cohesive friends list system, or going through the trouble of somehow integrating user's friends list through the steam API, a much more simple method would be to simply give people invite codes in which they can share with their friends directly (through steam DM's, discord, whatever). I think this would be sufficient enough to fill that gap.

regardless, sorry for necro'ing this issue.

bboychris168 commented 1 year ago

@SamuelGogarty Theres a guy thats already made a really good discord bot that does everything from scrimming to a matchmaking style queue all in discord.