glennw / servo-shell

Proof of concept HTML/CSS/JS browser UI for Servo
177 stars 16 forks source link

OSX Yosemite 10.10.1 error #3

Closed bahtou closed 4 years ago

bahtou commented 9 years ago

Not really sure where to start. I just wanted to play with this and out popped this error when I tried to type something in the URL bar

thread 'ScriptTask' panicked at 'assertion failed: begin <= end', /Users/larsberg/rust/src/libcore/str/ stack backtrace: 1: 0x10e98185d - sys::backtrace::write::h22d7886ea3e34df8JDA 2: 0x10e9958dd - panicking::on_panic::hcde1662b6a2f62e2LsJ 3: 0x10e961c19 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::hc0862f0ae0b66b7chbJ 4: 0x10e96209e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::hce9ab1c081fbc798S9I 5: 0x10e99516d - rust_begin_unwind 6: 0x10e9b7e25 - panicking::panic_fmt::hc7d3b6a3960519fdHZs 7: 0x10e9b74f7 - panicking::panic::h4158d1652bbc7938TXs 8: 0x10e9bbc66 - str::str.StrExt::slice_chars::hfbe4201bc00c9f08HgA 9: 0x10e20afd7 - textinput::TextInput::replace_selection::hb87f087ba36f4a92cdz 10: 0x10e1359bd - textinput::TextInput::handle_keydown::h4df260485cbbd4d7inz 11: 0x10e13526b - dom::htmlinputelement::JSRef<'a, HTMLInputElement>.VirtualMethods::handle_event::hff2576829e309bd4f6i 12: 0x10e11c49d - dom::eventdispatcher::dispatch_event::h41b7d6aae674c791WYc 13: 0x10e0e83f1 - dom::document::JSRef<'a, Document>.DocumentHelpers<'a>::dispatch_key_event::hb69644ba2ce2bbeaPA8 14: 0x10e1df45f - script_task::ScriptTask::handle_event::h6dbf60e42d8994304oy 15: 0x10e1ee5c5 - script_task::ScriptTask::handle_msg_from_constellation::h2e646d103cef8957aNx 16: 0x10e1d8e74 - script_task::ScriptTask::handle_msgs::hd41c68dd683c3bcdSFx 17: 0x10e1d2877 - script_task::ScriptTask::start::h5afb8ca3da96f1dbIFx 18: 0x10dcabbf2 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h13147721779896093241 19: 0x10dc7acaf - rt::unwind::try::try_fn::h14697338781292147106 20: 0x10e997928 - rust_try_inner 21: 0x10e997915 - rust_try 22: 0x10dc7b4d3 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h1803073708590684298 23: 0x10e984752 - sys::thread::thread_start::hc1f580397175540a22E 24: 0x7fff901712fb - _pthread_body 25: 0x7fff90171278 - _pthread_start PaintTask: Saw ExitMsg, 4 buffers in use thread 'Constellation' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: "SendError(..)"', /Users/larsberg/rust/src/libcore/ Saw ExitMsg, 4 buffers in use 744 stack backtrace: PaintTask: Saw ExitMsg, 4 buffers in use PaintTask: Saw ExitMsg, 4 buffers in use 1: 0x10e98185d - sys::backtrace::write::h22d7886ea3e34df8JDA 2: 0x10e9958dd - panicking::on_panic::hcde1662b6a2f62e2LsJ 3: 0x10e961c19 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::hc0862f0ae0b66b7chbJ 4: 0x10e96209e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::hce9ab1c081fbc798S9I 5: 0x10e99516d - rust_begin_unwind 6: 0x10e9b7e25 - panicking::panic_fmt::hc7d3b6a3960519fdHZs 7: 0x10deb9433 - pipeline::Pipeline::force_exit::h6599ac8e670767aa7Jc 8: 0x10dc96680 - constellation::Constellation<LTF, STF>::close_pipeline::h14883171717585572041 9: 0x10dc89fc2 - constellation::Constellation<LTF, STF>::handle_request::h2319527647508186695 10: 0x10dc7d8bc - constellation::Constellation<LTF, STF>::start::closure.7098 11: 0x10dc7c008 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h7398512893709377427 12: 0x10dc7acaf - rt::unwind::try::try_fn::h14697338781292147106 13: 0x10e997928 - rust_try_inner 14: 0x10e997915 - rust_try 15: 0x10dc7b4d3 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h1803073708590684298 16: 0x10e984752 - sys::thread::thread_start::hc1f580397175540a22E 17: 0x7fff901712fb - _pthread_body 18: 0x7fff90171278 - _pthread_start thread 'LayoutTask' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: RecvError', /Users/larsberg/rust/src/libcore/ stack backtrace: 1: 0x10e98185d - sys::backtrace::write::h22d7886ea3e34df8JDA 2: 0x10e9958dd - panicking::on_panic::hcde1662b6a2f62e2LsJ 3: 0x10e961c19 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::hc0862f0ae0b66b7chbJ 4: 0x10e96209e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::hce9ab1c081fbc798S9I 5: 0x10e99516d - rust_begin_unwind 6: 0x10e9b7e25 - panicking::panic_fmt::hc7d3b6a3960519fdHZs 7: 0x10dda1b90 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h9970387040411026535 8: 0x10dd6eb7f - rt::unwind::try::try_fn::h17922520940258702800 9: 0x10e997928 - rust_try_inner 10: 0x10e997915 - rust_try 11: 0x10dd6f3a3 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h14138863434235375294 12: 0x10e984752 - sys::thread::thread_start::hc1f580397175540a22E 13: 0x7fff901712fb - _pthread_body 14: 0x7fff90171278 - _pthread_start thread 'LayoutTaskWatcher' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: "SendError(..)"', /Users/larsberg/rust/src/libcore/ stack backtrace: 1: 0x10e98185d - sys::backtrace::write::h22d7886ea3e34df8JDA 2: 0x10e9958dd - panicking::on_panic::hcde1662b6a2f62e2LsJ 3: 0x10e961c19 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::hc0862f0ae0b66b7chbJ 4: 0x10e96209e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::hce9ab1c081fbc798S9I 5: 0x10e99516d - rust_begin_unwind 6: 0x10e9b7e25 - panicking::panic_fmt::hc7d3b6a3960519fdHZs 7: 0x10dcf998e - result::Result<T, E>::unwrap::h13059378591360124820 8: 0x10dda2de8 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h3611226144867157275 9: 0x10dd6eb7f - rt::unwind::try::try_fn::h17922520940258702800 10: 0x10e997928 - rust_try_inner 11: 0x10e997915 - rust_try 12: 0x10dd6f3a3 - thunk::F.Invoke<A, R>::invoke::h14138863434235375294 13: 0x10e984752 - sys::thread::thread_start::hc1f580397175540a22E 14: 0x7fff901712fb - _pthread_body 15: 0x7fff90171278 - _pthread_start thread '

' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: "SendError(..)"', /Users/larsberg/rust/src/libcore/ stack backtrace: 1: 0x10e98185d - sys::backtrace::write::h22d7886ea3e34df8JDA 2: 0x10e9958dd - panicking::on_panic::hcde1662b6a2f62e2LsJ 3: 0x10e961c19 - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_inner::hc0862f0ae0b66b7chbJ 4: 0x10e96209e - rt::unwind::begin_unwind_fmt::hce9ab1c081fbc798S9I 5: 0x10e99516d - rust_begin_unwind 6: 0x10e9b7e25 - panicking::panic_fmt::hc7d3b6a3960519fdHZs 7: 0x10dcaddfe - result::Result<T, E>::unwrap::h11205996779743890143 8: 0x10dcdfdac - compositor::IOCompositor.CompositorEventListener::handle_event::h463492030099429797 9: 0x10dcf18fe - Browser::handle_event::h1f5bb80eb61ba232Xfa 10: 0x10dc40001 - main::ha4fdb8e9778a1262Faa 11: 0x10e997928 - rust_try_inner 12: 0x10e997915 - rust_try 13: 0x10e996287 - rt::lang_start::ha47b67e90acca8b61mJ thread 'PaintTask' panicked at 'called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: RecvError', /Users/larsberg/rust/src/libcore/ stack backtrace: 1: 0x10e98185d - sys::backtrace::write::h22d7886ea3e34df8JDA Error running mach:

['run', '--release', './servo-shell/index.html', '-e']

The error occurred in code that was called by the mach command. This is either a bug in the called code itself or in the way that mach is calling it.

You should consider filing a bug for this issue.

If filing a bug, please include the full output of mach, including this error message.

The details of the failure are as follows:

CalledProcessError: Command '[u'components/servo/target/release/servo', './servo-shell/index.html', '-e']' returned non-zero exit status 101

jdm commented 9 years ago

I'm going to re-file this in the servo repo issues, since this should be reproducible in any regular text input field.

jdm commented 9 years ago

If you could narrow down what you actually typed, that would be great!

bahtou commented 9 years ago

I typed asdfasdf

pjar commented 9 years ago

I have no url bar on mavericks - is it wrong? :)

jdm commented 9 years ago

@pjar If you're following the instructions at then you should have a URL bar.

dralley commented 4 years ago

If there are no new reports of this, it's old enough to close

jdm commented 4 years ago

servo-shell is abandoned. It's not worth triaging things in this repo.