We've been implementing some clickhandlers on this very fine TileLayer of yours. But I could not exactly pinpoint what the problem I think I found a little bug.
When I add a tilelayer with multiple features the first feature becomes a parentLayer. All of the other layers become part of this parentLayer.
This means that whenever I click on the layer it produces 2 events. Where one is always from the parent, the second from the specific child I'm pressing.
I added a little snippet with the console output in Chrome below. In the example I have 4 features that I add. The first feature is used as parent and also gets itself as a child.
We've been implementing some clickhandlers on this very fine TileLayer of yours. But I could not exactly pinpoint what the problem I think I found a little bug.
When I add a tilelayer with multiple features the first feature becomes a parentLayer. All of the other layers become part of this parentLayer.
This means that whenever I click on the layer it produces 2 events. Where one is always from the parent, the second from the specific child I'm pressing.
I added a little snippet with the console output in Chrome below. In the example I have 4 features that I add. The first feature is used as parent and also gets itself as a child.