Good afternoon, I use this library to process the excel file and send it to the telegram chat. If you run a script with a telegram bot (a script is run from it to create an image), everything works correctly, but if the telegram bot is running in the background, then an error occurs.
Failed to open C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Work\Parser\Telegram_AUTO\Rating\Листы ожидания (отмененные записи КР) 2024-03-25_12.06.xlsx
Good afternoon, I use this library to process the excel file and send it to the telegram chat. If you run a script with a telegram bot (a script is run from it to create an image), everything works correctly, but if the telegram bot is running in the background, then an error occurs.
Failed to open C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Work\Parser\Telegram_AUTO\Rating\Листы ожидания (отмененные записи КР) 2024-03-25_12.06.xlsx
Строка кода: excel2img.export_img(save_path, photo_screan1, "Свод Взрослые", None)