When using the browser, ctrl and shift can be used to quickly add tags to the current search criteria (described here).
However, the queries for selected hierarchical tags are not segmented. For example:
"tag:Anatomy or tag:Anatomy:: or tag:Cardiovascular or tag:Cardiovascular::"
This could easily be fixed by wrapping the tags with parenthesis so that it reads as follows:
"(tag:Anatomy or tag:Anatomy::) or (tag:Cardiovascular or tag:Cardiovascular::)"
When using the browser, ctrl and shift can be used to quickly add tags to the current search criteria (described here).
However, the queries for selected hierarchical tags are not segmented. For example: "tag:Anatomy or tag:Anatomy:: or tag:Cardiovascular or tag:Cardiovascular::"
This could easily be fixed by wrapping the tags with parenthesis so that it reads as follows: "(tag:Anatomy or tag:Anatomy::) or (tag:Cardiovascular or tag:Cardiovascular::)"