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Add example project directory? #104

Open mrbid opened 5 months ago

mrbid commented 5 months ago

Hey I have made quite a few game projects that would serve as quite good example projects of implementations of GLFW.

I think that having a "example projects" page on your main website that show cases all of the best open-source projects that use GLFW, which are under 1,500 lines of code roughly, would serve as great examples for people to get started with GLFW or even to inspire others.

This could even be expanded into a "best projects" directory too where noteworthy projects that use GLFW that have critical acclaim could be listed, similarly to how Ogre3D has their Showcase page:

Example projects and a Showcase projects directory would bring a lot of value to the GLFW homepage, increase it's search engine visibility, and serve as a great promotional tool aiding to the use case of GFLW potentially casting a better light upon GLFW over other similar middle-ware projects of a similar nature.