Open tejl opened 1 year ago
Content of Ejendomsbeliggenhed.json
{ "$schema": "", "title": "Ejendomsbeliggenhed", "description": "EAID_580F09CC_77FA_4ec3_8B86_5AF54E94BED4", "type": [ "object", "null" ], "required": [ "type", "features" ], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "default": "FeatureCollection", "enum": [ "FeatureCollection" ] }, "features": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "required": [ "properties", "type" ], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "default": "Feature", "enum": [ "Feature" ] }, "properties": { "type": "object", "required": [ "objectid", "id_namespace", "id_lokalId", "bestemtFastEjendomBFENr", "Ejendomstype", "adresseManueltAngivet", "adresse", "ESDHReferenceAdresse", "ESDHReferenceKommune", "kommuneManueltAngivet", "kommuneinddelingKommunekode", "betegnelse", "status", "forretningshaendelse", "forretningsomraade", "forretningsproces", "virkningFra", "virkningTil", "virkningsaktoer", "registreringFra", "registreringTil", "registreringsaktoer" ], "properties": { "objectid": { "title": "objectid", "type": "string" }, "id_namespace": { "title": "id_namespace", "description": "EAID_033C3051_F5C6_435a_95BB_4168879EAAB4.EAID_6CEB0356_5CBF_4159_B96B_A2489DD2DAC8", "type": "string" }, "id_lokalId": { "title": "id_lokalId", "description": "EAID_033C3051_F5C6_435a_95BB_4168879EAAB4.EAID_9AB90AE0_9F85_4164_9B25_8EB2139D65A5", "type": "string" }, "bestemtFastEjendomBFENr": { "title": "bestemtFastEjendomBFENr", "description": "EAID_dstF27CCF_AE25_44fb_9CD3_5A709497983A", "type": "string" }, "Ejendomstype": { "title": "Ejendomstype", "description": "Der er ikke et UUID til en attribut, kun objekternes UUID", "type": "string", "enum": [ "BygningPaaFremmedGrund", "Ejerlejlighed", "SamletFastEjendom" ] }, "adresseManueltAngivet": { "title": "adresseManueltAngivet", "description": "EAID_083D2F42_D193_43c8_A9AA_68E5A4835101", "type": "boolean" }, "ESDHReferenceAdresse": { "title": "ESDHReferenceAdresse", "description": "EAID_35C158DF_FCEF_4c32_90D9_DBFA6EB55287", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "ESDHReferenceKommune": { "title": "ESDHReferenceKommune", "description": "EAID_75A3178C_C05D_40af_96A1_E547059D42AF", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "kommuneManueltAngivet": { "title": "kommuneManueltAngivet", "description": "EAID_AC77530E_590B_4225_B31D_8A698D129E23", "type": "boolean" }, "kommuneinddelingKommunekode": { "title": "kommuneinddelingKommunekode", "description": "EAID_dstE46CDC_6416_4a05_A01F_6CF3E337F0FC", "type": "string" }, "betegnelse": { "title": "betegnelse", "description": "EAID_DFA7AE10_1BBD_4844_889D_91961BD18AC1", "type": [ "string", "null" ] }, "adresse": { "description": "Adresse hentet fra DAR", "$ref": "DAR/Adresse.json#" }, "husnummer": { "description": "Husnummer hentet fra DAR", "$ref": "DAR/Husnummer.json#" }, "status": { "title": "status", "description": "EAID_0309F182_1A14_4098_B718_11034C06F679", "type": "string", "enum": [ "gældende", "historisk" ] }, "forretningshaendelse": { "title": "forretningshaendelse", "description": "EAID_84122756_5B71_49d5_B68A_FD77F18EEB00", "type": "string", "enum": [ "adresseændring", "ejendomsforandring", "ejerhenvendelse", "konverteretFraESR" ] }, "forretningsomraade": { "title": "forretningsomraade", "description": "EAID_3CAEDE8E_F447_447b_883B_EF794AAAA503", "type": "string", "enum": [ "52.20.05" ] }, "forretningsproces": { "title": "forretningsproces", "description": "EAID_7013D39D_BB95_49fd_92DC_48CC909D792B", "type": "string", "enum": [ "automatiskBeregnet", "manueltOpdateret", "konverteretFraESR" ] }, "virkningFra": { "title": "virkningFra", "description": "EAID_586C3BB8_D2B2_410f_9DA6_DBD9A66BE76E", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "virkningTil": { "title": "virkningTil", "description": "EAID_AF4B2D78_EDED_4816_BA07_9C96D4876D17", "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "virkningsaktoer": { "title": "virkningsaktoer", "description": "EAID_0751B148_D672_4c1c_94A4_F9441FFFA3A7", "type": "string" }, "registreringFra": { "title": "registreringFra", "description": "EAID_DFA31DDB_671D_41d3_B174_4129A6500F08", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "registreringTil": { "title": "registreringTil", "description": "EAID_A19BB6FA_289E_4c0b_B11C_39F12A4F3105", "type": [ "string", "null" ], "format": "date-time" }, "registreringsaktoer": { "title": "registreringsaktoer", "description": "EAID_C5FE3EFF_05A9_4230_8275_41158CC6F6F5", "type": "string" } } } } } } } }
Found problem. It seems that quicktype can not handle the double description's that are used multiple times in both DAR/Adresse.json and DAR/Husnummer.json. Instead it returns the error message written in this github issue description.
Example DAR/Adresse.json attached as file Adresse.txt to this message. One example of double description is illustrated by
"dørpunkt": {
"description": "EAID_2E77B0C3_49AF_47b0_AD4E_DD653B99FD0B",
"description": "EAID_00A7AF01_C512_4a85_ADB5_98FB15541948",
"type": "object",
which to my information should be schema compliant
If I make sure that only one description property is available through out the DAR/Adresse.json and DAR/Husnummer.json files then quicktype works.
Hi There
I am trying to generation a C# (.cs) file using downloaded .json schema files from a public provider.
I am trying to put the 3 downloaded files in folders as follows
root\Ejendomsbeliggenhed.json root\DAR\Adresse.json root\DAR\Husnummer.json
Then I try to with the following commands in PowerShell:
but get the following error message:
Error: Could not fetch schema Adresse.json, referred to from Ejendomsbeliggenhed\Ejendomsbeliggenhed.json#/properties/features/items/properties/properties/properties/adresse.