glideapps / quicktype

Generate types and converters from JSON, Schema, and GraphQL
Apache License 2.0
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fix: increase --help output width from 80 to 120 #2391

Closed U3erKa closed 1 year ago

U3erKa commented 1 year ago

I noticed that "command-line-usage" has print width of 80 by default, and it does not increase when the text would fit in the terminal window. Also, the descpition of --lang flag shifts layout the most, so I replaced list of languages with LANG, since LANG is already defined in synopsis. Additionally, I added --src-lang to synopsis

Before ```log Synopsis $ quicktype [--lang LANG] [--out FILE] FILE|URL ... LANG ... cs|go|rs|cr|cjson|c++|objc|java|ts|js|javascript-prop- types|flow|swift|scala3|Smithy|kotlin|elm|schema|ruby|dart|py|pike|haskell|typescript- zod|typescript-effect-schema|php Description Given JSON sample data, quicktype outputs code for working with that data in C#, Go, Rust, Crystal, C (cJSON), C++, Objective-C, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, JavaScript PropTypes, Flow, Swift, Scala3, Smithy, Kotlin, Elm, JSON Schema, Ruby, Dart, Python, Pike, Haskell, TypeScript Zod, TypeScript Effect Schema, PHP. Options -o, --out FILE The output file. Determines --lang and --top-level. -t, --top-level NAME The name for the top level type. -l, --lang cs|go|rs|cr|cjson|c++|objc|java|ts|js|javascript-prop- The types|flow|swift|scala3|Smithy|kotlin|elm|schema|ruby|dart|py|pike|haskell|typescript- target zod|typescript-effect-schema|php language. -s, --src-lang json|schema|graphql|postman|typescript The source language (default is json). --src FILE|URL|DIRECTORY The file, url, or data directory to type. --src-urls FILE Tracery grammar describing URLs to crawl. --no-maps Don't infer maps, always use classes. --no-enums Don't infer enums, always use strings. --no-uuids Don't convert UUIDs to UUID objects. --no-date-times Don't infer dates or times. --no-integer-strings Don't convert stringified integers to integers. --no-boolean-strings Don't convert stringified booleans to booleans. --no-combine-classes Don't combine similar classes. --no-ignore-json-refs Treat $ref as a reference in JSON. --graphql-schema FILE GraphQL introspection file. --graphql-introspect URL Introspect GraphQL schema from a server. --http-method METHOD HTTP method to use for the GraphQL introspection query. --http-header HEADER Header(s) to attach to all HTTP requests, including the GraphQL introspection query. -S, --additional-schema FILE Register the $id's of additional JSON Schema files. --alphabetize-properties Alphabetize order of class properties. --all-properties-optional Make all class properties optional. --quiet Don't show issues in the generated code. --debug OPTIONS or all Comma separated debug options: print- graph, print- reconstitution, print- gather- names, print- transformations, print- schema- resolving, print- times, provenance --telemetry enable|disable Enable anonymous telemetry to help improve quicktype -h, --help Get some help. -v, --version Display the version of quicktype Options for C# --framework NewtonSoft|SystemTextJson Serialization framework --namespace NAME Generated namespace --csharp-version 5|6 C# version --density normal|dense Property density --array-type array|list Use T[] or List --number-type double|decimal Type to use for numbers --any-type object|dynamic Type to use for "any" --[no-]virtual Generate virtual properties (off by default) --features complete|attributes-only|just-types- Output features and-namespace|just-types --base-class EntityData|Object Base class --[no-]check-required Fail if required properties are missing (off by default) Options for Go --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --package NAME Generated package name --[no-]multi-file-output Renders each top-level object in its own Go file (off by default) --[no-]just-types-and-package Plain types with package only (off by default) --field-tags TAGS list of tags which should be generated for fields Options for Rust --density normal|dense Density --visibility private|crate|public Field visibility --[no-]derive-debug Derive Debug impl (off by default) --[no-]derive-clone Derive Clone impl (off by default) --[no-]derive-partial-eq Derive PartialEq impl (off by default) --[no-]edition-2018 Edition 2018 (on by default) --[no-]leading-comments Leading Comments (on by default) Options for C (cJSON) --source-style single-source|multi-source Source code generation type, whether to generate single or multiple source files --integer-size int8_t|int16_t|int32_t|int64_t Integer code generation type (int64_t by default) --typedef-alias no-typedef|add-typedef Add typedef alias to unions, structs, and enums (no typedef by default) --print-style print-formatted|print-unformatted Which cJSON print should be used (formatted by default) --hashtable-size SIZE Hashtable size, used when maps are created (64 by default) --type-style pascal-case|underscore-case|camel- Naming style for types case|upper-underscore-case|pascal-case-upper- acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --member-style underscore-case|pascal- Naming style for members case|camel-case|upper-underscore-case|pascal- case-upper-acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --enumerator-style upper-underscore- Naming style for enumerators case|underscore-case|pascal-case|camel- case|pascal-case-upper-acronyms|camel-case- upper-acronyms Options for C++ --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --namespace NAME Name of the generated namespace(s) --code-format with-struct|with-getter-setter Generate classes with getters/setters, instead of structs --wstring use-string|use-wstring Store strings using Utf-16 std::wstring, rather than Utf-8 std::string --const-style west-const|east-const Put const to the left/west (const T) or right/east (T const) --source-style single-source|multi-source Source code generation type, whether to generate single or multiple source files --include-location local-include|global-include Whether json.hpp is to be located globally or locally --type-style pascal-case|underscore-case|camel- Naming style for types case|upper-underscore-case|pascal-case-upper- acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --member-style underscore-case|pascal- Naming style for members case|camel-case|upper-underscore-case|pascal- case-upper-acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --enumerator-style upper-underscore- Naming style for enumerators case|underscore-case|pascal-case|camel- case|pascal-case-upper-acronyms|camel-case- upper-acronyms --enum-type NAME Type of enum class --[no-]boost Require a dependency on boost. Without boost, C++17 is required (on by default) --[no-]hide-null-optional Hide null value for optional field (off by default) Options for Objective-C --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --class-prefix PREFIX Class prefix --features all|interface|implementation Interface and implementation --[no-]extra-comments Extra comments (off by default) --[no-]functions C-style functions (off by default) Options for Java --array-type array|list Use T[] or List --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --datetime-provider java8|legacy Date time provider type --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --package NAME Generated package name --[no-]lombok Use lombok (off by default) --[no-]lombok-copy-annotations Copy accessor annotations (on by default) Options for TypeScript --[no-]just-types Interfaces only (off by default) --[no-]nice-property-names Transform property names to be JavaScripty (off by default) --[no-]explicit-unions Explicitly name unions (off by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck Verify JSON.parse results at runtime (on by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck-ignore-unknown-properties Ignore unknown properties when verifying at runtime (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) --raw-type json|any Type of raw input (json by default) --[no-]prefer-unions Use union type instead of enum (off by default) --[no-]prefer-types Use types instead of interfaces (off by default) Options for JavaScript --[no-]runtime-typecheck Verify JSON.parse results at runtime (on by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck-ignore-unknown-properties Ignore unknown properties when verifying at runtime (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) --raw-type json|any Type of raw input (json by default) Options for JavaScript PropTypes --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) Options for Flow --[no-]just-types Interfaces only (off by default) --[no-]nice-property-names Transform property names to be JavaScripty (off by default) --[no-]explicit-unions Explicitly name unions (off by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck Verify JSON.parse results at runtime (on by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck-ignore-unknown-properties Ignore unknown properties when verifying at runtime (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) --raw-type json|any Type of raw input (json by default) --[no-]prefer-unions Use union type instead of enum (off by default) --[no-]prefer-types Use types instead of interfaces (off by default) Options for Swift --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --struct-or-class struct|class Structs or classes --density dense|normal Code density --[no-]initializers Generate initializers and mutators (on by default) --[no-]coding-keys Explicit CodingKey values in Codable types (on by default) --access-level internal|public Access level --[no-]alamofire Alamofire extensions (off by default) --[no-]support-linux Support Linux (off by default) --type-prefix PREFIX Prefix for type names --protocol none|equatable|hashable Make types implement protocol --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --[no-]objective-c-support Objects inherit from NSObject and @objcMembers is added to classes (off by default) --[no-]optional-enums If no matching case is found enum value is set to null (off by default) --[no-]sendable Mark generated models as Sendable (off by default) --[no-]swift-5-support Renders output in a Swift 5 compatible mode (off by default) --[no-]multi-file-output Renders each top-level object in its own Swift file (off by default) --[no-]mutable-properties Use var instead of let for object properties (off by default) Options for Scala3 --framework just-types|circe|upickle Serialization framework --package PACKAGE Package Options for Smithy --framework just-types Serialization framework --package PACKAGE Package Options for Kotlin --framework just-types|jackson|klaxon|kotlinx Serialization framework --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --package PACKAGE Package Options for Elm --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --module NAME Generated module name --array-type array|list Use Array or List Options for Ruby --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --strictness strict|coercible|none Type strictness --namespace NAME Specify a wrapping Namespace Options for Dart --[no-]null-safety Null Safety (on by default) --[no-]just-types Types only (off by default) --[no-]coders-in-class Put encoder & decoder in Class (off by default) --[no-]from-map Use method names fromMap() & toMap() (off by default) --[no-]required-props Make all properties required (off by default) --[no-]final-props Make all properties final (off by default) --[no-]copy-with Generate CopyWith method (off by default) --[no-]use-freezed Generate class definitions with @freezed compatibility (off by default) --[no-]use-hive Generate annotations for Hive type adapters (off by default) --[no-]use-json-annotation Generate annotations for json_serializable (off by default) --part-name NAME Use this name in `part` directive Options for Python --python-version 3.5|3.6|3.7 Python version --[no-]just-types Classes only (off by default) --[no-]nice-property-names Transform property names to be Pythonic (on by default) Options for Haskell --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --module NAME Generated module name --array-type array|list Use Array or List Options for PHP --[no-]with-get Create Getter (on by default) --[no-]fast-get getter without validation (off by default) --[no-]with-set Create Setter (off by default) --[no-]with-closing PHP Closing Tag (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style Examples Generate C# to parse a Bitcoin API $ quicktype -o LatestBlock.cs Generate Go code from a directory of samples containing: - Foo.json + Bar - bar-sample-1.json - bar-sample-2.json - Baz.url $ quicktype -l go samples Generate JSON Schema, then TypeScript $ quicktype -o schema.json $ quicktype -o bitcoin.ts --src-lang schema schema.json Learn more at ```
After ```log Synopsis $ quicktype [--lang LANG] [--src-lang SRC_LANG] [--out FILE] FILE|URL ... LANG ... cs|go|rs|cr|cjson|c++|objc|java|ts|js|javascript-prop- types|flow|swift|scala3|Smithy|kotlin|elm|schema|ruby|dart|py|pike|haskell|typescript- zod|typescript-effect-schema|php SRC_LANG ... json|schema|graphql|postman|typescript Description Given JSON sample data, quicktype outputs code for working with that data in C#, Go, Rust, Crystal, C (cJSON), C++, Objective-C, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, JavaScript PropTypes, Flow, Swift, Scala3, Smithy, Kotlin, Elm, JSON Schema, Ruby, Dart, Python, Pike, Haskell, TypeScript Zod, TypeScript Effect Schema, PHP. Options -o, --out FILE The output file. Determines --lang and --top-level. -t, --top-level NAME The name for the top level type. -l, --lang LANG The target language. -s, --src-lang SRC_LANG The source language (default is json). --src FILE|URL|DIRECTORY The file, url, or data directory to type. --src-urls FILE Tracery grammar describing URLs to crawl. --no-maps Don't infer maps, always use classes. --no-enums Don't infer enums, always use strings. --no-uuids Don't convert UUIDs to UUID objects. --no-date-times Don't infer dates or times. --no-integer-strings Don't convert stringified integers to integers. --no-boolean-strings Don't convert stringified booleans to booleans. --no-combine-classes Don't combine similar classes. --no-ignore-json-refs Treat $ref as a reference in JSON. --graphql-schema FILE GraphQL introspection file. --graphql-introspect URL Introspect GraphQL schema from a server. --http-method METHOD HTTP method to use for the GraphQL introspection query. --http-header HEADER Header(s) to attach to all HTTP requests, including the GraphQL introspection query. -S, --additional-schema FILE Register the $id's of additional JSON Schema files. --alphabetize-properties Alphabetize order of class properties. --all-properties-optional Make all class properties optional. --quiet Don't show issues in the generated code. --debug OPTIONS or all Comma separated debug options: print-graph, print- reconstitution, print-gather-names, print-transformations, print-schema-resolving, print-times, provenance --telemetry enable|disable Enable anonymous telemetry to help improve quicktype -h, --help Get some help. -v, --version Display the version of quicktype Options for C# --framework NewtonSoft|SystemTextJson Serialization framework --namespace NAME Generated namespace --csharp-version 5|6 C# version --density normal|dense Property density --array-type array|list Use T[] or List --number-type double|decimal Type to use for numbers --any-type object|dynamic Type to use for "any" --[no-]virtual Generate virtual properties (off by default) --features complete|attributes-only|just-types-and- Output features namespace|just-types --base-class EntityData|Object Base class --[no-]check-required Fail if required properties are missing (off by default) Options for Go --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --package NAME Generated package name --[no-]multi-file-output Renders each top-level object in its own Go file (off by default) --[no-]just-types-and-package Plain types with package only (off by default) --field-tags TAGS list of tags which should be generated for fields Options for Rust --density normal|dense Density --visibility private|crate|public Field visibility --[no-]derive-debug Derive Debug impl (off by default) --[no-]derive-clone Derive Clone impl (off by default) --[no-]derive-partial-eq Derive PartialEq impl (off by default) --[no-]edition-2018 Edition 2018 (on by default) --[no-]leading-comments Leading Comments (on by default) Options for C (cJSON) --source-style single-source|multi-source Source code generation type, whether to generate single or multiple source files --integer-size int8_t|int16_t|int32_t|int64_t Integer code generation type (int64_t by default) --typedef-alias no-typedef|add-typedef Add typedef alias to unions, structs, and enums (no typedef by default) --print-style print-formatted|print-unformatted Which cJSON print should be used (formatted by default) --hashtable-size SIZE Hashtable size, used when maps are created (64 by default) --type-style pascal-case|underscore-case|camel-case|upper- Naming style for types underscore-case|pascal-case-upper-acronyms|camel-case- upper-acronyms --member-style underscore-case|pascal-case|camel- Naming style for members case|upper-underscore-case|pascal-case-upper- acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --enumerator-style upper-underscore-case|underscore- Naming style for enumerators case|pascal-case|camel-case|pascal-case-upper- acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms Options for C++ --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --namespace NAME Name of the generated namespace(s) --code-format with-struct|with-getter-setter Generate classes with getters/setters, instead of structs --wstring use-string|use-wstring Store strings using Utf-16 std::wstring, rather than Utf-8 std::string --const-style west-const|east-const Put const to the left/west (const T) or right/east (T const) --source-style single-source|multi-source Source code generation type, whether to generate single or multiple source files --include-location local-include|global-include Whether json.hpp is to be located globally or locally --type-style pascal-case|underscore-case|camel-case|upper- Naming style for types underscore-case|pascal-case-upper-acronyms|camel-case- upper-acronyms --member-style underscore-case|pascal-case|camel- Naming style for members case|upper-underscore-case|pascal-case-upper- acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --enumerator-style upper-underscore-case|underscore- Naming style for enumerators case|pascal-case|camel-case|pascal-case-upper- acronyms|camel-case-upper-acronyms --enum-type NAME Type of enum class --[no-]boost Require a dependency on boost. Without boost, C++17 is required (on by default) --[no-]hide-null-optional Hide null value for optional field (off by default) Options for Objective-C --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --class-prefix PREFIX Class prefix --features all|interface|implementation Interface and implementation --[no-]extra-comments Extra comments (off by default) --[no-]functions C-style functions (off by default) Options for Java --array-type array|list Use T[] or List --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --datetime-provider java8|legacy Date time provider type --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --package NAME Generated package name --[no-]lombok Use lombok (off by default) --[no-]lombok-copy-annotations Copy accessor annotations (on by default) Options for TypeScript --[no-]just-types Interfaces only (off by default) --[no-]nice-property-names Transform property names to be JavaScripty (off by default) --[no-]explicit-unions Explicitly name unions (off by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck Verify JSON.parse results at runtime (on by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck-ignore-unknown-properties Ignore unknown properties when verifying at runtime (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) --raw-type json|any Type of raw input (json by default) --[no-]prefer-unions Use union type instead of enum (off by default) --[no-]prefer-types Use types instead of interfaces (off by default) Options for JavaScript --[no-]runtime-typecheck Verify JSON.parse results at runtime (on by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck-ignore-unknown-properties Ignore unknown properties when verifying at runtime (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) --raw-type json|any Type of raw input (json by default) Options for JavaScript PropTypes --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) Options for Flow --[no-]just-types Interfaces only (off by default) --[no-]nice-property-names Transform property names to be JavaScripty (off by default) --[no-]explicit-unions Explicitly name unions (off by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck Verify JSON.parse results at runtime (on by default) --[no-]runtime-typecheck-ignore-unknown-properties Ignore unknown properties when verifying at runtime (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --converters top-level|all-objects Which converters to generate (top-level by default) --raw-type json|any Type of raw input (json by default) --[no-]prefer-unions Use union type instead of enum (off by default) --[no-]prefer-types Use types instead of interfaces (off by default) Options for Swift --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --struct-or-class struct|class Structs or classes --density dense|normal Code density --[no-]initializers Generate initializers and mutators (on by default) --[no-]coding-keys Explicit CodingKey values in Codable types (on by default) --access-level internal|public Access level --[no-]alamofire Alamofire extensions (off by default) --[no-]support-linux Support Linux (off by default) --type-prefix PREFIX Prefix for type names --protocol none|equatable|hashable Make types implement protocol --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --[no-]objective-c-support Objects inherit from NSObject and @objcMembers is added to classes (off by default) --[no-]optional-enums If no matching case is found enum value is set to null (off by default) --[no-]sendable Mark generated models as Sendable (off by default) --[no-]swift-5-support Renders output in a Swift 5 compatible mode (off by default) --[no-]multi-file-output Renders each top-level object in its own Swift file (off by default) --[no-]mutable-properties Use var instead of let for object properties (off by default) Options for Scala3 --framework just-types|circe|upickle Serialization framework --package PACKAGE Package Options for Smithy --framework just-types Serialization framework --package PACKAGE Package Options for Kotlin --framework just-types|jackson|klaxon|kotlinx Serialization framework --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style --package PACKAGE Package Options for Elm --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --module NAME Generated module name --array-type array|list Use Array or List Options for Ruby --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --strictness strict|coercible|none Type strictness --namespace NAME Specify a wrapping Namespace Options for Dart --[no-]null-safety Null Safety (on by default) --[no-]just-types Types only (off by default) --[no-]coders-in-class Put encoder & decoder in Class (off by default) --[no-]from-map Use method names fromMap() & toMap() (off by default) --[no-]required-props Make all properties required (off by default) --[no-]final-props Make all properties final (off by default) --[no-]copy-with Generate CopyWith method (off by default) --[no-]use-freezed Generate class definitions with @freezed compatibility (off by default) --[no-]use-hive Generate annotations for Hive type adapters (off by default) --[no-]use-json-annotation Generate annotations for json_serializable (off by default) --part-name NAME Use this name in `part` directive Options for Python --python-version 3.5|3.6|3.7 Python version --[no-]just-types Classes only (off by default) --[no-]nice-property-names Transform property names to be Pythonic (on by default) Options for Haskell --[no-]just-types Plain types only (off by default) --module NAME Generated module name --array-type array|list Use Array or List Options for PHP --[no-]with-get Create Getter (on by default) --[no-]fast-get getter without validation (off by default) --[no-]with-set Create Setter (off by default) --[no-]with-closing PHP Closing Tag (off by default) --acronym-style original|pascal|camel|lowerCase Acronym naming style Examples Generate C# to parse a Bitcoin API $ quicktype -o LatestBlock.cs Generate Go code from a directory of samples containing: - Foo.json + Bar - bar-sample-1.json - bar-sample-2.json - Baz.url $ quicktype -l go samples Generate JSON Schema, then TypeScript $ quicktype -o schema.json $ quicktype -o bitcoin.ts --src-lang schema schema.json Learn more at ```