glidejs / glide

A dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel. It’s lightweight, flexible and fast. Designed to slide. No less, no more
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Vertical Slides? #197

Open ManuSevenval opened 6 years ago

ManuSevenval commented 6 years ago


I was looking through the docs of your great library and I was wondering, if it is possible to have the slide direction on a vertical axis. I need to slide my content up and down, instead of left and right.

Is that currently possible out of the box with glide?


jedrzejchalubek commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, no. v3.0.0 version of glide only moves horizontally out of the box.

It's a topic for an additional extension.

arippberger commented 6 years ago


LukasVaculcik commented 5 years ago

+1 for vertical sliding

rishabh2712 commented 5 years ago


adityakbhatnagar commented 5 years ago

+1 vertical is really important.. otherwise its a deal breaker

jpcarpenter commented 5 years ago


jibinycricket commented 5 years ago


adrienbkr commented 5 years ago


battoni commented 5 years ago


mafftor commented 5 years ago

+1 would be great

mchughbri commented 5 years ago


lukethacoder commented 4 years ago

Anyone using a custom plugin for vertical scrolling?

optislav commented 4 years ago

+1 would be good

optislav commented 4 years ago

Do you have any suggestions how to implement this feature as plugin?

asolopovas commented 4 years ago


alisakataeva commented 4 years ago


akunyiba commented 4 years ago


jasperuitterhoeve commented 4 years ago


stasioman commented 4 years ago


adardesign commented 4 years ago


adardesign commented 4 years ago


obliviga commented 4 years ago


carolina-morales commented 4 years ago


Sybio commented 4 years ago


vinescarlan commented 3 years ago

+1 for vertical sliding. This is really necessary for most of the projects.

vinescarlan commented 3 years ago

Anyone found a way to extend glider.js and add vertical sliding ourselves? Thanks!

BenRacicot commented 3 years ago

@jedrzejchalubek I have been looking for hours and am amazed that every vertical content slider I can find is built with jQuery. I did find one, Splide. However, it is not built with modern JavaScript in terms of TypseScript or ES6/module and thus cannot be imported into any framework easily.

I believe GlideJS could have an extremely popular future with the direction you have already began with ES6.

Please consider extending Glide to include vertical direction and perhaps TypeScript. If I can help please reach out.

lukethacoder commented 3 years ago

Had similar requirements and stumbled upon Keen Slider (Github).

Has our much needed vertical sliders and integrates nicely with any framework. Docs have examples for React/Vue/Angular/VanillaJS implementations, which is very handy.

BenRacicot commented 3 years ago

@lukethacoder the Angular and TypeScript examples for Keen Slider are broken. I may have to pass on Keen :(

simplenotezy commented 3 years ago

No examples of "hacking" Glide around to be vertical?

shestakov-vladyslav commented 3 years ago


LukasVaculcik commented 3 years ago

Glide looks discontinued. Imho one of the best slider API is Swiper.

pablogiralt commented 3 years ago


BlackKiwi89 commented 3 years ago

+1 for vertical slides

evocarti commented 3 years ago

Glide looks discontinued. Imho one of the best slider API is Swiper.

Unfortunately, it doesn't include scrolling. Only Click, and Click & Drag/Swipe.

I know we should be grateful for free code, but how hard would it have been to add a vertical option for Glidejs? Is there a way to contact the developer?

jedrzejchalubek commented 2 years ago

Vertical slides will not be a part of the core of Glide. The way I would recommend is to create a new extension that overrides movements, but for now, it is not a priority

Samblazemedia commented 2 years ago

This would be awesome to have vertical sliding. @jedrzejchalubek What is the reason that it's not currently being implemented?

lukethacoder commented 2 years ago

@BenRacicot Looks like its had a refresh of the docs + examples.

I'm still using keen-slider as its a great framework agnostic slider solution and has vertical support.

pySilver commented 2 years ago

@lukethacoder unfortunately keen-slider (which is simple and looks interesting) does some strange height calculations for vertical slides. It always sets x2 slide height for me.

lukethacoder commented 2 years ago

@pySilver sounds like a css issue? have you got a small example to share the issue?

klevismiho commented 1 year ago

I would love a vertical slide option

radhasatam commented 1 year ago

Here's a hacky way to do this if you know the container height -

  var glide = new Glide("#multi", {
    type: "slider",
    autoplay: 500,
    perView: perView,
    bound: true,
    dragThreshold: false,
    swipeThreshold: false,
    rewind: false
  }).on("build.after", function () {
    // Set slide height
    slides.forEach((s) => { = containerHeight / perView + "px"

    // translate y instead of x on run
    glide.on("run", function (move) {
      var translateY = glide.index * (-100 / perView / (countSlides / perView)) = "translate3d(0, " + translateY + "% , 0)"

This also requires css changes, mainly flex-direction


ShahinRockstarsIT commented 1 month ago


Vertical slide