gliderlabs / docker-alpine

Alpine Linux Docker image. Win at minimalism!
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
5.7k stars 528 forks source link

Who's using Docker Alpine? #57

Open progrium opened 9 years ago

progrium commented 9 years ago

If your company or project is using gliderlabs/alpine or the official alpine image, please list yourself below!

jumanjiman commented 9 years ago

several repos at:

there may be a couple open-source repos at:

msaraiva commented 9 years ago

All Erlang/Elixir images at:

gigablah commented 9 years ago uses Alpine in our Docker images.

They're not public, but I use basically the same workflow in my personal images:

veggiemonk commented 9 years ago

Used it to build node.js app meant to be used internally and just for web developer. I don't know if that counts :question:

ticosax commented 9 years ago

At lock8 we use it to serve nginx

fermayo commented 9 years ago

At Tutum we use it for our hello-world ( and for some small tools, but cannot use it in more images (even if we wanted to) due to the issues with "DNS search" (which breaks our service discovery system).

pires commented 9 years ago

All my updated docker-* repos use it. Started using since busybox moved too.

neilellis commented 9 years ago

We use it for which in turn we use for

Although I'm starting to use a stripped down jessie image more and more for ease of compatability: and

KyleJamesWalker commented 9 years ago

I'm using it for my personal dev (if that counts):

LoicMahieu commented 9 years ago

I am using alpine-node from Depends on gliderlabs/alpine

ozbillwang commented 9 years ago

I play docker-2048, only 8M with Alpine linux.

ozbillwang commented 9 years ago

Recently I re-write the Dockerfile for seagull (a friendly Web UI to manage docker)

I change Dockerfile with Alpine Linux, and update in my fork. New image is only 171MB.

$ docker images |grep seagull
sydops/seagull                  latest      d24ca67818e9        37 seconds ago       171.6 MB
tobegit3hub/seagull             latest      38bfd833ae80        6 weeks ago          548.5 MB

Updated Dockerfile is here:

original Dockerfile is here:

squeaky-pl commented 9 years ago is running haproxy, nginx, python api and background services, redis dockerized on top of these images

techgaun commented 9 years ago

We've several internal microservices where we're using the images based on docker-alpine. Little bit of customization but still smaller base image (~30MB max).

cameronmalek commented 9 years ago and all the rest of my clients are on alpine-based images (for the most part)

mboersma commented 8 years ago

The Deis open source PaaS uses Alpine as the basis of (nearly) all its components. Smaller, faster, better.

GottZ commented 8 years ago

i'm using it for wrapping docker around my private applications and i'm doing emberjs development inside one of theese containers.

i love the fact how lightweight this container is. everyone should know about it!

kenXengineering commented 8 years ago

I'm looking into using it to trim a private node.js app image from 827.7 mb to 154.5 mb. Can prob get it smaller yet!

garywiz commented 8 years ago

We are using the following alpine-based images, which include a very lean process manager we've standardised on among about 20 clients. We use the official alpine image as the starting point to build...

Though most images we deploy for clients are stored in their private repos, we have a couple public images we've given clients as samples of how to build configurable images based upon the above:

We've taken a bit of criticism for our approach to using Docker (we violate some of the sacred rules), but our clients have had excellent experiences, so we're pretty happy with them.

We do like alpine A LOT as a foundation. We have an entire family of images which are all compatible built on Ubuntu, CentOS, and Alpine, and the small size and agility of the Alpine distro has been fantastic.

You asked! lol

paulrutter commented 8 years ago

We use the docker-alpine image as a base to run Node.js and PhantomJS in a as small as possible image, so our clients can run their own javascript code in a sandboxed environment (the docker container).

BrianHicks commented 8 years ago

We're using alpine for most of our work on Mantl ( and We're finding it ideal for dynamically scheduled workloads since it's so small. :)

repeatedly commented 8 years ago

Fluentd, a.k.a. one of Docker's logging driver, now uses Alpine Linux for official image.

jumanjiman commented 8 years ago

Fluentd, a.k.a. one of Docker's logging driver, now uses Alpine Linux for official image.

:rocket: :star:

kabudu commented 8 years ago

An nginx PHP-FPM image based on the gliderlabs/alpine image:

Toilal commented 8 years ago

Alpine based images for many languages:

tboerger commented 8 years ago

Nearly all containers at use as a base image which is based on the official alpine edge image.

PHLAK commented 8 years ago

Been building all my recent images on Alpine. Check them out:

olliefreeman commented 8 years ago

Oxford BRC Informatics, just discovered you for our build. Fantastic. Although using @frol alpine jdk8 releases on top have discovered Gradle won't work due to Failed to load native library '' for Linux amd64.

Edit: seems to be a gradle 2.11 issue...gradle 2.9 works

JurrianFahner commented 8 years ago

I'm using it for my personal project: It would be nice, if there would be support for Java in alpine.

frol commented 8 years ago

Salford Systems is using Alpine for internal processes (testing and helpers). is a local Ukrainian non-profit platform for programming contests (IOI, ACM, and training), and it is using Alpine as a base image for almost all included compilers (GCC, FreePascal, OpenJDK, OracleJDK, Mono, Ruby, Python, Scala, Kotlin, Go, Bash, PHP, Nim) to run solutions in sandbox containers. This is why I have all those images in my profile and maintain them.

deviantony commented 8 years ago

The Skynet project uses Alpine image for all it's Python components.

MaerF0x0 commented 8 years ago

Leftronic uses gliderlabs/alpine:latest to build golang binaries. Then we put the binary in an alpine:latest container for running in dev/prod .

Check us out:

jessegreathouse commented 8 years ago

Sparefoot is using it on our partnership platform here:

kabudu commented 8 years ago

An Alpine 3.4 / Nginx 1.10.1 / PHP 7.0.7 (with FPM) image based on the offical alpine image

Docker hub:

Git repo:

bboreham commented 8 years ago

Used by Weave tools for container visualisation and networking:

webRat commented 7 years ago is using it for 2 clients projects.

pierreozoux commented 7 years ago

I think now, it is broadly used :) Is this topic still relevant?

Alkarex commented 6 years ago

FreshRSS (an open-source, self-hosted RSS feed aggregator) is using Alpine Linux for its official image, with a great size reduction compared to previous versions using another base image 👍

bean5 commented 6 years ago

Can this be closed, @progrium? Yes, it is used...