glifio / infinity-pool-gov

A repo for governing the Infinity Pool
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Open KimDaeikk opened 3 days ago

KimDaeikk commented 3 days ago

Infinity Pool Entry Request

Testnet Agent Address / ID

(Please provide the Testnet Agent Address / ID)

Mainnet Agent Address / ID

(Please provide the Mainnet Agent Address / ID) 165, 170

Desired borrow amount

(Please tell us how much you intend to borrow, and over what time period) 250000 FIL (expect to onboarding 40PB)

Sealing rate

(What is your miners sealing speed?) 165 agent : 6 ~ 7 TB 170 agent : 4 ~ 5 TB


Contact info

(Email address) (Discord ID + tag)
zecu_97366 (Twitter)
(Preferred communication channel)

KimDaeikk commented 3 days ago

It's an additional question To reach 100FIL, the minimum borrow now max value. How many pledge do I need at least ? (I just want to ask my SPs for the minimum amount of collateral they need) (start sealing with SPs own FIL -> borrow now reach +100 -> sealing with borrowed 100 FIL -> borrow now reach +100... repeatly)

Schwartz10 commented 2 days ago

Hey @KimDaeikk great question!

There is a V2 system upgrade coming out at the end of august, where the maximum leverage will be 3x, so to borrow 100 FIL, you would need 34 FIL in collateral

The V1 system now is 2x maximum leverage, so to borrow 100 FIL you would need 50 FIL in collateral

Your Agents quotas will be updated in the next 6 hours

Schwartz10 commented 2 days ago

@KimDaeikk all set - i'll leave this ticket open in case you have other questions

KimDaeikk commented 1 day ago

Hello! We are ZetaCube, a supplier of SP hardware. We are planning a service that provides continuous profits by onboarding customers who provide high-spec hardware and minimal collateral. To achieve this, we intend to use collateral from the Glif team. We have some questions:

"The V1 system now has a maximum leverage of 2x, so to borrow 100 FIL, you would need 50 FIL in collateral." Is it correct that the maximum leverage means the maximum borrow amount? And how can we borrow the maximum amount?

If I borrow the maximum amount, I think the LTV (Loan-to-Value), DTE (Debt-to-Equity), and DTI (Debt-to-Income) ratios would be very high. How can we control these ratios?

Before borrowing reaches 100 FIL, an amount equivalent to the equity can be borrowed. After borrowing exceeds 100 FIL, only half of the equity can be borrowed. We want to continue sealing without requiring our customers to provide additional FIL. However, based on this system, we can't maintain sealing (e.g., borrowing 100 -> 50 -> 25 -> 12.5 -> ...). It seems impossible to reach 250,000 FIL without additional FIL input. Do you have any solutions for this problem?

Regarding the first question, you mentioned I need 50 FIL to borrow 100 FIL. However, the "glif agent info" returns a lower borrow amount than 100 FIL. I can't infer the logic behind this. Could you clarify?

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