gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
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Very Slow Arpeggiator #114

Open mrecirc opened 4 years ago

mrecirc commented 4 years ago

Hello! I’m working with a client’s Prophet 600 with a newly installed Gligli CPU. He purchased it from someone who already loaded it and modified the Teensy board. Everything seems to work okay, except for the arpeggiator speed. When synced to MIDI, or receiving pulses through the Tape In, it runs super slow. Also, the Speed pot does not seem to have an affect when it’s set for Internal clocking, even though I see the values change on the LED display.

I reinstalled the original Z80, and the Speed control works fine. I can also send a pulse through the Footswitch In, and the tempo is what I would expect. With the Gligli installed, I have to send a pulse over 1K, or a MIDI BPM (from Ableton) over 500 to have a similar tempo. I don’t have exact numbers, so I hope that makes sense!

Also, I reloaded the Stable 2.0 hex and sysex files, but still having the same problem.

It’s still running the original OS from 1982. Six-0-2-1. Could that be an issue when running with the new CPU?

I appreciate any help, and I hope I posted this to the right place!

Thanks, Mike