gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
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Would it be possible to have 1/4 step filter cv values when Keyboard tracking is set to 1/2? #115

Open dphelmer opened 4 years ago

dphelmer commented 4 years ago

Currently when using no VCO and playing the self-oscillating filter with the tracking set to 1/2 you still get all half step note values. It would be very cool to get 1/4 step filter cv values for some microtonal type playing.

image-et-son commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry. this is a VERY late response. I'd propose that you post this as a change request "issue" in the v2022 development branch, here:

Things to come will need to prioritized, but I think this is a valid, viable and technically minor change, so good chance.