gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
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Envelope attack not consistent among voices #52

Closed polluxsynth closed 9 years ago

polluxsynth commented 9 years ago

Set up a patch with a fairly long attack (a couple of seconds). The effect is most noticeable with a short decay and zero sustain level.

Now, play a chord. Note how all voices do not enter the decay phase at the same time, which they should. Both the filter and amp envelopes show the same effect. The actual times seem to vary randomly (within a certain limit), but it could have something to do with the voice allocation too.

gligli commented 9 years ago

Are you sure you don't have spread on? Because that's basically what it does, it makes it so each voice has slightly different env times.

polluxsynth commented 9 years ago

You are right (blushing), voice spread was on. I thought voice spread only affected the oscillators and filter, but I see know that it says plainly in the commit message that it affects the envelope times too.

I wonder if it wouldn't be an idea to have four values for the spread parameter: off, osc+filt, env, all. I like the feature when it comes to the oscillators, not so much when it comes to the envelopes.