gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
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Raw patch data format parameter swap? #77

Open hotswank opened 9 years ago

hotswank commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to 'relocate' the position of the 'Modulation wheel target' bits (incl. padding)? It would be better if it would come right after 'Modulation wheel range' and before 'Osc pitch mode'. This would not only be a more 'logical' position e.g. clustering similar parameters like Pitchbend before it, but more importantly, this would 'push' the 2x8 'Modulation delay' bits etc. in the 'next' cluster of 4 Bytes of the encoded data string. I'm not sure why you didn't do this, perhaps you had a very good reason for it?

Below is a picture of the 'before' and 'after' situation to get an idea what I'm on about!

gligli PS If you are familiar with Max/MSP, ignore the [<< 7] cabling, they are wrong :)

hotswank commented 9 years ago

And while you are at it :))) would it be possible to add an extra padding byte at the end, so bit 7 of 'Arpeggiator speed' is isolated from decoding the MSB byte of 'Unison track pattern' (and thus can be ignored). This will also allow me to visualize the 'Unison track pattern' as notes more easily.


gligli commented 9 years ago

Actually I can't make any change to this format, it is basically how a patch is stored in flash, and it must be kept backwards compatible. The format was extended for 2.0, so new parameters had to be added after the old ones, hence why some parameters are not where they should logically be.

hotswank commented 9 years ago

Now that's a real shame :)!