gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
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Tuning troubles --- (almost) getting stuck #89

Open oskies opened 7 years ago

oskies commented 7 years ago


Been a happy user of my p600 with gligli 2.00. Since a few months, I have a weird problem when tuning. After hit tune, its starts normally (A1, A2,...) then when it hits A5, weird things happen. The display shows A, then 5, then off, and this is repeated a number of times before finally going to A6. In the end, the tuning is fine.

Is this something that can be fixed by trimming A5, and if so, how? Is this something to worry about, or normal behavior?


gligli commented 7 years ago


I'd say if the 6 voices are playing in tune after that, don't worry about it too much.

You could still try the 2.1 third RC available there: (tuning routine had a few fixes since 2.00).