gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
41 stars 23 forks source link

Reinstall the vanilla sequencer? #91

Open loreschi opened 7 years ago

loreschi commented 7 years ago

Hi there, thanks for the great job! Is there any way to have the standard P600 real time sequencer back? I feel it was much more immediate and muscial than inserting rests/ties etc. (plus, I believe that the P6 itself now has a similar real time sequencer). Could you do an update with all of the upgrades BUT with the old sequencer? : )

P.S. I've donated, posted on gliglisynth & gearslutz. Let's try to raise the request here on github! For the time being, Thanks again for your amazing work!

gligli commented 7 years ago

Hello, thanks! I can't use any of the functionnality / code of the original firmware directly, I have to rewrite it entirely. So, developing a realtime sequencer is doable, but it's something that requires quite a lot of time. I personally thought a step sequencer would be more useful for electronic music / loops and used it for this with no problem.