gligli / p600fw

Teensy++ based Sequential Circuits Prophet 600 firmware remake
41 stars 23 forks source link

P600 upgrade #93

Closed Winbyte closed 7 years ago

Winbyte commented 7 years ago

after upgrade oscillator a is b, and b is a on the mixer knob Glide knob now serves as a volume knob for oscillator b (the real oscillalor b )

help or comments anyone? Thanks, Win

Winbyte commented 7 years ago

I think i am guilty of not fully understanding the new features. Now that i have experimented some I believe all is working as the upgrade intended. AND IT IS AWESOME Thanks, Win

Winbyte commented 7 years ago

I have had no success with the firmware upgrade using midiox. I have tried hundreds of buffer / delay combinations. My midi interface shows data going into the p600 but no matter what setting i try, the display goes to E immediately even 1 byte 1 file with 4 seconds delay.

Connection to pc is good because I can send and recieve to other midi software. Any help would be appreciated.

PS I have used Midiox for years with my other synths so i am a bit familliar with it

thanks Win

Winbyte commented 7 years ago

problem solved cheap import usb to midi interface lacking quality will not transmit sysex PERIOD Got an M-Audio Midi Sport UNO comes with a driver took about 45 seconds using MIDI OX Buffer setting 512/34 delays 256

