glin / reactable

Interactive data tables for R
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reactable affects height of all cards containing reactable in quarto dashboard #382

Open wvictor14 opened 2 months ago

wvictor14 commented 2 months ago

I suspect this has something to do with css / html which my knowledge is quite rudimentary. I also am not sure if this would be more appropriate to ask in quarto or somewhere else e.g. for html/css specific advice. Let me know if this is not appropriate to ask for help here!

Description of the problem:

I expect that in quarto documents, a reactable with expandable rows in card 1 will control card 1's height when rows are expanded. However, I noticed if I have another card (call it card 2) with another reactable,  then it's height will also expand, even though it is a distinct reactable.

Here is a MRE:

title: "test"
    scrolling: true
  chunk_output_type: console

## Row 

data <- unique(CO2[, c("Plant", "Type")])

make_rt <- function(x, ...) {
    details = function(index) {
      plant_data <- CO2[CO2$Plant == data$Plant[index], ] |> 
      htmltools::div(style = "padding: 1rem",
                     reactable(plant_data, outlined = TRUE)

data |>  slice(1:3) |>   make_rt(class = 'table-1')


data |>  slice(3:6) |>   make_rt(class = 'table-2')

collapsed rows: 

Expanding rows in reactable 1 increase both card 1 and card 2 height

<img width="404" alt="image" src="">

But I don't want card 2 to expand when card 1 reactable is interacted with obviously.
glin commented 1 month ago

Hi, I'm not real familiar with Quarto dashboards, but just looking at the CSS of the cards, it looks like it's just how the cards work. They're styled so each card always has the same height. I'm not sure if this can be changed or if there's an alternate way to do cards, but it'd probably be a better question for someone more familiar with Quarto dashboards.