glinscott / leela-chess

**MOVED TO ** A chess adaption of GCP's Leela Zero
GNU General Public License v3.0
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LCZero promotion, slogan, etc #120

Open CMCanavessi opened 6 years ago

CMCanavessi commented 6 years ago

Now that LCZero is training and gaining elo quite rapidly, I'd like to promote it in several forums but I was thinking we need something catchy to attract users so they can not only help, but also follow the progress. I have a couple of ideas.

1) have a long term goal, a big one, even if it's unrealistic. Just needs to sound cool, for example "aiming to beat Stockfish 3 by the end of 2018, will you miss being part of it?" or something like that. Stockfish 3 is 3128 elo in CCRL 40/4 single CPU rating list. You may think that it's completely crazy and out of reach, but that's exactly what we need for users to "bite" and help the project grow.

2) for short term goals, we should aim at classic very well known or famous engines, Fruit for example, though it's still way far ahead. I've been checking the rating lists and it's possible to come up with a list of actively developed engines in the whole range of strenght, from 1000 all up to Stockfish 9. It would be nice to have these kind of achievements like "Gen 25 is already stronger than Sabrina" (which is around 1300 elo, and its programmer is active on the forums". After that is achieved, we aim for TSCP (very well known simple engine) which is around 1700 elo. I think for ppl to understand progress it's better to say "now it's stronger than X" (X being a well known engine) than saying "now it's 2351 elo" which means you have to go look at the rating lists to see what the hell that means in term of relative strenght to other engines.

Other ideas welcome :)

PS: and a logo, we need a logo, urgent

jkiliani commented 6 years ago

How about the one eye that is used as a logo for Leela?

mooskagh commented 6 years ago

I cannot find a logo of Leela, but an eye doesn't sound very chessy either.

Some experiments with chess clock:

Also I have an .svg version if anyone needs it.

zz4032 commented 6 years ago

Nice idea, but it looks a bit like a steam train :) I think straight edges would be better and I would remove the dot (as in the first logo).

mooskagh commented 6 years ago

My drawing skills are pretty basic though. :)

jjoshua2 commented 6 years ago I think this style of logo is good

mooskagh commented 6 years ago

While others looking into important stuff like why the network started to play worse, and I just draw pictures. :D

Wanted to reuse the same "digital display" idea with some neural network touch. Cannot say I like what it turned out to be, minimalistic 7-segment display "Lc0" still looks nicer.

Code to generate it:

Error323 commented 6 years ago


I really love this one! I like it's simplicity as a reminder to the algorithm which is elegant and simple (in a way). It's also like a countdown to the ultimate engine and the 0 for from scratch really stands out.