glints-dev / hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin

webpack-dev-server plugin for hapi
2 stars 0 forks source link

Example doesn't work #8

Open empeje opened 5 years ago

empeje commented 5 years ago
dependencies {
    "@glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin": "^1.0.4",
    "webpack": "^4.38.0",
    "webpack-dev-middleware": "^3.7.0",
    "webpack-hot-middleware": "^2.25.0"
import WebpackDevServerPlugin from '@glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import webpackConfig from '../webpack.config';

  if (FAMEWEKA_ENV === 'development') {
    console.log('this code is executed');
    const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);

    await hapi.register({
      plugin: WebpackDevServerPlugin,
      options: {
        devMiddlewareOptions: {
          // Define options for webpack-dev-middleware
          publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
          stats: {
            modules: false

I'm trying to use this on my project fameweka, but it is not working? how you guys do it in Glints?

empeje commented 5 years ago

I managed to get it working by doing

import * as WebpackDevServerPlugin from '@glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin';
import webpack from 'webpack';
import webpackConfig from '../webpack.config';

  if (FAMEWEKA_ENV === 'development') {
    const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);

    await hapi.register({
      plugin: WebpackDevServerPlugin.WebpackDevServerPlugin,
      options: {
        devMiddlewareOptions: {
          // Define options for webpack-dev-middleware
          publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath,
          stats: {
            modules: false

However, I can't managed to make work with hot reload.

empeje commented 5 years ago

I also can't access bundle file once it served via hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin in development

yjwong commented 5 years ago

The package exports only a named export WebpackDevServerPlugin (it's not default-exported), so either one of these importing methods work:

// Reference with WebpackDevServerPlugin.WebpackDevServerPlugin
import * as WebpackDevServerPlugin from '@glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin';
// Reference with WebpackDevServerPlugin directly
import { WebpackDevServerPlugin } from '@glints/hapi-webpack-dev-server-plugin';

For hot module reloading, you need to have webpack-hot-middleware module installed, and include it as one of the entry items in your Webpack config, something like:

const compiler = webpack({
  // ...
  entry: [
    // Other entry points here...
  // ...

When you say you can't access the bundle file, is there any error message displayed from the Webpack compilation process? What is the URL used to access the bundle?

empeje commented 5 years ago

Yes I got it working now @yjwong , can I create a PR to update the Readme to talk about this?

yjwong commented 5 years ago

Sure! That would be really appreciated :)