glitchassassin / screeps

My Screeps code
The Unlicense
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Improve remote abandonment #89

Open glitchassassin opened 1 year ago

glitchassassin commented 1 year ago
  1. Harvesters and haulers should not be sent to a franchise with one or more danger creeps, or where room is reserved by hostile
  2. Reservers should not be sent to a franchise with one or more danger creeps
  3. Remote defenders should be sent to franchises with one or more danger creeps, unless the detected hostile force is stronger
  4. Civilian creeps should avoid pathing through rooms with one or more danger creeps
glitchassassin commented 1 year ago

Making progress; however, cost tracking currently only kicks in if the franchise is active (has been harvested). In certain edge cases where a harvester never makes it to the source (e.g. pathing failure) the remote will not be correctly abandoned. We need to track costs when there has been an active harvesting mission, rather than when the remote has been actively harvested.