glmcdona / LuxPythonEnvGym

Matching python environment code for Lux AI 2021 Kaggle competition, and a gym interface for RL models.
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allow random map size in train #75

Closed nosound2 closed 2 years ago

nosound2 commented 2 years ago

Closes #74

@glmcdona , can you please take a look if this is a satisfactory solution to the linked issue.

royerk commented 2 years ago

Yet, without setting the config in stone, this change seems to interfere with multi-cpu training: it's now hanging.

nosound2 commented 2 years ago

Yet, without setting the config in stone, this change seems to interfere with multi-cpu training: it's now hanging.

Can you please give more insight, why does it hang now? I am not using multi-cpu yet. Thanks for testing!

royerk commented 2 years ago

Yet, without setting the config in stone, this change seems to interfere with multi-cpu training: it's now hanging.

Can you please give more insight, why does it hang now? I am not using multi-cpu yet. Thanks for testing!

I wish I knew (to run a quick test: in change num_cpu = 1 to 2, wait until it outputs Logging to tensorboard [...] then kill it - when working properly some PPO output shows up within minutes).

Upon killing it the stack is referring to from stable_baselines3. From there I am not familiar at all... Given a choice I would pick a better training with a single cpu than a fast, buggy one.

nosound2 commented 2 years ago

@royerk , I changed to num_cpu = 2 and it seems to be running fine with the fix, printing a table from time to time, something like this. Are you sure this is the only change on your machine?

| time/                   |             |
|    fps                  | 477         |
|    iterations           | 3           |
|    time_elapsed         | 205         |
|    total_timesteps      | 98304       |
| train/                  |             |
|    approx_kl            | 0.010162503 |
|    clip_fraction        | 0.0429      |
|    clip_range           | 0.2         |
|    entropy_loss         | -2.06       |
|    explained_variance   | 0.336       |
|    learning_rate        | 0.001       |
|    loss                 | 2.18        |
|    n_updates            | 20          |
|    policy_gradient_loss | -0.00253    |
|    value_loss           | 7.71        |
royerk commented 2 years ago

@nosound2 You are right. I cleaned up and rerun the and it's fine. Thanks :+1:

glmcdona commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this change! Not editing the config is a good solution to this problem, ignore what I commented earlier. Games reset repeatedly, and we want to leave the config intact so it randomly generates new dimensions each episode.

royerk commented 2 years ago

Hey, just FYI. This is really cool and should help generalizing a lot but for some reason it killed the multi-cpu perf on my end. I thought it was hanging but it was actually very slooooow. With 60 cpus I used to have 5k 'fps' (from the PPO metrics this looks like steps/second), now I am getting <200 fps. Training on a single cpu is now faster.

I thought that re-generating a map could cause a delay, but generate_map() has always been there. At this point I don't know why it is so slow. I will try to re-install everything and test again. If you have an idea of what's going I can test/investigate.


glmcdona commented 2 years ago

@royerk. It might be because of the map-size. Before maybe it was running 12x12 map sizes for every training run. Now it will be using all the sizes, where some of them now range up to 32x32. This might involve a lot more units and actions per game for these large map sizes. Maybe that could correspond to it?

royerk commented 2 years ago

@glmcdona haha right bots were dominating on those 12x12! It's worth investigating, yet I would still expect better fps with more cpus. Thanks :)

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

Did this fix map gen? Does the map gen test pass now?

royerk commented 2 years ago

@StoneT2000 not sure what the output should be but it looks ok:

➜  tests git:(main) ✗ python -m unittest 
Testing generating game...

Map shape: 32,32
{'teamStats': {0: {'fuelGenerated': 0, 'resourcesCollected': {'wood': 0, 'coal': 0, 'uranium': 0}, 'cityTilesBuilt': 0, 'workersBuilt': 1, 'cartsBuilt': 0, 'roadsBuilt': 0, 'roadsPillaged': 0}, 1: {'fuelGenerated': 0, 'resourcesCollected': {'wood': 0, 'coal': 0, 'uranium': 0}, 'cityTilesBuilt': 0, 'workersBuilt': 1, 'cartsBuilt': 0, 'roadsBuilt': 0, 'roadsPillaged': 0}}}
{'turn': 0, 'teamStates': {0: {'researchPoints': 0, 'units': {'u_1': < object at 0x7f761da08b10>}, 'researched': {'wood': True, 'coal': False, 'uranium': False}}, 1: {'researchPoints': 0, 'units': {'u_2': < object at 0x7f761da18450>}, 'researched': {'wood': True, 'coal': False, 'uranium': False}}}}
Passed game creation test!
.Testing game simulation speed
Simple empty game: 0.130 seconds per full game.
.Testing game map validity against 100 seeds
Ran 3 tests in 14.689s

StoneT2000 commented 2 years ago

wow that map gen is perfect! (and the original code was soo messy to begin with)