glob3mobile / g3m

The multiplatform advanced visualization framework
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Str-elevs client #176

Open ChanoOT opened 8 years ago

ChanoOT commented 8 years ago

A client class to read DEM pyramids is added (PyramidElevationDataProvider). Changes in ElevationData and ShortBufferElevationData are done to save extra data from a DEM pyramid input file. A new requestElevationData() method is added to make petitions based on tile information. Default behaviour redirects to the original method, the new class uses this implementation. Minor changes in PlanetTileTesselator are done to make tile mesh resolution variable, according to the incoming elevationData. Default resolution is still the one given by TilesRenderParameters. Minor changes in TileElevationDataRequest are introduced to call the new requestElevationData() method. Minor changes in Tile are introduced to cancel elevation requests which are no longer needed. Demo examples are introduced for every platform.

ChanoOT commented 8 years ago

@DiegoGomezDeck New changes done: