global-electrification-platform / explorer

Global Electrification Platform (Web)
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Improvements on charts #134

Closed danielfdsilva closed 5 years ago

danielfdsilva commented 5 years ago

WB feedback

Bar Chart visualization

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

For second time step- clearly communicate cumulative vs additional (This also informs #144 )

There is a mix of additional and cumulative in the second time step indeed. People affected is clearly cumulative as it sums to the total population of the country in 2030. In contrary Investment required and Added Capacity are additional to the time step 2025-2030.

Option 1 In this case, we make results for Investment required and Added Capacity in the second time step cumulative. Also instead of People affected we can use People connected. So the summaries will be calculated as follows:

2025 PEOPLE CONNECTED = Pop2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 INVESTMENT REQUIRED = InvestmentCost2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 ADDED CAPACITY = NewCapacity2025 x ElecStatusIn2025

2030 PEOPLE CONNECTED = Pop2030 x ElecStatusIn2030 INVESTMENT REQUIRED = InvestmentCost2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 + InvestmentCost2030 x ElecStatusIn2030 ADDED CAPACITY = NewCapacity2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 + NewCapacity2030 x ElecStatusIn2030

Note! ElecStatusIn2030 is always equal to 1 but I add here for consistency.

Note! PEOPLE CONNECTED in 2025 also includes people that had electricity in the base year; not only new connections.

Option 2 In case we want to make everything additional then instead of People affected we can use New connections which will indicate only the number of newly electrified people each time step. So the summaries will be calculated as follows:

2025 NEW CONNECTIONS = NewConnections2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 INVESTMENT REQUIRED = InvestmentCost2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 ADDED CAPACITY = NewCapacity2025 x ElecStatusIn2025

2030 NEW CONNECTIONS = NewConnections2030 x ElecStatusIn2030 INVESTMENT REQUIRED = InvestmentCost2030 x ElecStatusIn2030 ADDED CAPACITY = NewCapacity2030 x ElecStatusIn2030

Note! that summary title shall also be changed to something like RESULTS FOR 2018-2025 and RESULTS FOR 2025-2030 respectively.

Note! in that case cumulative summaries can be provided in a separate table either calculated as in Option 1 or by using the summary.csv files we provide for each scenario (if easier?).

@bpstewar @Dimitrismentis your thoughts? @vgeorge @danielfdsilva let me know if you think I am missing something here; which approach you think is more sensible?

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

People as percentage of total population Summaries of People connected or New connections can be calculated as per previous comment; Then population percentages can be calculated using total population from Pop2025 and Pop2030 respectively, no?

@bpstewar Do we want percentage for the aggregate population only or for all technologies as well?

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

Added Capacity as percentage of base This percentage cannot be calculated based on data currently available in the result files. A solution I see is that we import current installed capacity as a number - and calculate the percentage increase based on this value. Result might look like this:

2025 % of base = NewCapacity2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 / InstalledCapacity2018 *100

2030 % of base = (NewCapacity2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 + NewCapacity2030 x ElecStatusIn2030) / InstalledCapacity2018*100

InstalledCapacity2018 can be retrieved from IEA.

@bpstewar thoughts?

Dimitrismentis commented 5 years ago

@alekordESA I think option 2 is more sensible to show, i.e the amount of people that are getting connected using the various technologies.

One comment we 've received often in the previous apps regards the New connections. Users think we refer to number of connections (households) and not number of people. Can we rename to avoid this reasonable confusion? Maybe "People connected since 2018" or "People connected (new connections) or New connections (number of people) or something smarter.

vgeorge commented 5 years ago

The percentage value can be calculated at the interface if absolute values for each timestep are available in scenarios files. It would be necessary to include InstalledCapacityBaseYear andPopulationBaseYear. I suggest using generic name for the base year, as in the future it might not be 2018.

@alekordESA This issue is kind of a blocker now, as we will need to perform changes at the ingest CLI and the web interface before ingesting data, so it would be to have a definition soon.

Another thing, I moved the feedback about map style of unfulfilled clusters to an specific issue:

ricardoduplos commented 5 years ago

Here's a proposal containing two solutions for showing the total population on the charts:

  1. With absolute values:
  2. With relative values:
Dimitrismentis commented 5 years ago

@alekordESA @bpstewar @vgeorge @ricardomestre Showing two values (42 out of 84 in this case) in a chart with two colours may be confusing for the users. They may think 42 refers to one colour (grid) and 84 to the other (stand alone PV) or both. Not very intuitive. I would keep one number and modify the title of the graph to make it more clear as suggested earlier on.

bpstewar commented 5 years ago

@Dimitrismentis we need to include the total population somewhere in that chart area, but I agree having the two numbers is a bit confusing - maybe the relative measure would be better

Dimitrismentis commented 5 years ago

@bpstewar Indeed. It is important to show the total population plus some other relevant indicators one could pull from WB online database. e.g. elec. rates.

Partly related to this issue: Here is what was done previously with a simple country overview (this was an addition based on feedback we received multiple times from users that were missing this high level country information from the initial UNDESA elec. app.

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

@bpstewar shall we proceed with the second option then for now?

@Dimitrismentis @bpstewar additional relevant indicators can be included in the 1-pager descriptor we generate per country. These are available per model on S3 (example available here.)

vgeorge commented 5 years ago

As discussed with @alekordESA, we will use the field PopStartYear as base population value to calculate the total population displayed on the chart.

@danielfdsilva The PR is arealdy including this information in the cluster summary.

vgeorge commented 5 years ago

Had a talk today with @alekordESA to clarify the approach here. Key points:

PeopleConnected<year> = NewConnections<year> * ElecStatusIn<year>

I'm implementing this change now as we need it for preparing the data for the workshop in time. Please let us know if there is any comment.

akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

@vgeorge Pop<year> will give the population in the according year. However, if you are using the formula as above you will only include the newly electrified population in the summary; that is, you ll miss the people that are already electrified. We want to include these in the final summary no? This can be provided by equation PEOPLE CONNECTED = Pop2025 x ElecStatusIn2025 as per my comment earlier. Is my understanding wrong? (please discard if so).

vgeorge commented 5 years ago

I see. At the end we are going for option 1, which is cumulative. I'll proceed implementing using Pop, instead of NewConnections:

PeopleConnected<year> = Pop<year> x ElecStatusIn<year>
akorkovelos commented 5 years ago

@vgeorge quick on the summary charts. Tag shall change from Grid extension to just Grid on the right side bar of the explorer.

vgeorge commented 5 years ago

@akorkovelos, I've opened an issue at the data service to address renaming "Grid extension", as the labels are provided from there.

I'm closing this issue in favor of, which specifically address the remaining issue of adding baseline information.