global-electrification-platform / explorer

Global Electrification Platform (Web)
MIT License
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Production release for Updated About Page #273

Closed EricSoroos closed 4 years ago

EricSoroos commented 4 years ago

@vgeorge Before we merge this, we need to address in the CI system.

vgeorge commented 4 years ago

@EricSoroos, I'm not sure if I understood the comment. If you need to use environment variables to pass the Mapbox key at the building step, this command should work:

MB_TOKEN=<custom_mb_token> yarn build

Please let me know if this is not the issue.

EricSoroos commented 4 years ago

@vgeorge The problem is that the CI/CD that generates the production version of the site has the old mapbox key configured in environment variables, so when we merged to master the last time, the configuration change in default.js wasn't respected. I had to build and push manually to make the site work. Clearly I'd rather have the CI/CD do the work.

I don't have admin on the CI setup, so I can't make that change.

vgeorge commented 4 years ago

@EricSoroos I sent you a member invitation to global-electrification-platform organization. Once you accept, I'll promote you to owner and you should be able to make changes in CircleCI.

EricSoroos commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I just accepted.

vgeorge commented 4 years ago

@EricSoroos your user was promoted, now you should be able to access CircleCI and perform changes. Please let me know otherwise.

EricSoroos commented 4 years ago

@vgeorge Looks like that worked, I added the environment variable to CircleCi, I'm not sure why I had to, but the deploy was successful this time.

vgeorge commented 4 years ago

Good to know it worked, @EricSoroos. If no MB_TOKEN is set, the token at this line will be used. Just wanted to confirm that you are aware of this.