globalbioticinteractions / carvalheiro2023

GloBI configuration to help index Luisa Carvalheiro, José Augusto Salim, Filipi Soares, Debora Drucker. 2023. WorldFAIR pilot data from: VisitationData_Luisa_Carvalheiro.
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Given an example of how to relate the dataset A with dataset B #3

Open zedomel opened 9 months ago

jhpoelen commented 9 months ago

The provenance ontology has a pretty neat model to relate entities to each other as well as the processes and agents that were involved in creating/using them.


I favor re-using this model and associated "shortcut" ontology at .

This would also align with graphs produced by preston

zedomel commented 9 months ago


It looks a good way to handle that use case. I like it.