globalbioticinteractions / carvalheiro2023

GloBI configuration to help index Luisa Carvalheiro, José Augusto Salim, Filipi Soares, Debora Drucker. 2023. WorldFAIR pilot data from: VisitationData_Luisa_Carvalheiro.
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take a elton nanopub and translate into web annotation format #6

Open jhpoelen opened 9 months ago

jhpoelen commented 9 months ago

In order to connect datasets with their associated interaction claims, we'd like to use elton nanopubs as a started point to create a dervied web annotation snippet.

The goal is to identify additional information needed in the nanopubs to make a workable web annotation for a the first record of the Carvalheiro 2023 dataset.

jhpoelen commented 9 months ago
@prefix this: <> .
@prefix sub: <> . 
@prefix np: <> . 
@prefix dcterms: <> . 
@prefix prov: <> . 
@prefix pav: <> . 
@prefix rdfs: <> . 
@prefix obo: <> .  
sub:Head {   
  this: np:hasAssertion sub:Assertion;     
  np:hasProvenance sub:Provenance;   
  np:hasPublicationInfo sub:Pubinfo;     
  a np:Nanopublication . 
sub:Assertion {
   sub:Interaction obo:RO_0000057 sub:Organism_1, sub:Organism_2;
   a obo:GO_0044419 .
        obo:RO_0002623 sub:Organism_2;
        rdfs:label "Pilosella oficinarum" .      
   sub:Organism_2 rdfs:label "Andrena" . 
sub:Provenance { 
  sub:Assertion prov:wasDerivedFrom sub:Study .
  sub:Study dcterms:bibliographicCitation ";id=1cJ0qX9ppqHoSyqFykwYJef-DFOzoutthBXjwKRY81T8&amp;gid=776329546" . 
sub:Pubinfo {   
  this: dcterms:license <>;     
  pav:createdBy <>;     
  prov:wasDerivedFrom <> .      
  <> dcterms:bibliographicCitation       "WorldFAIR pilot data from: VisitationData_Luisa_Carvalheiro." . 

please also see recent discussion around possible expressions of species interaction data in nanopub format at .

jhpoelen commented 9 months ago

Here's another example of how species interactions can be presented in @tkuhn 's knowledgepixel and their collaborators at Pensoft -

@prefix this: <> .
@prefix sub: <> .
@prefix np: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix nt: <> .
@prefix npx: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix orcid: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .

sub:Head {
  this: np:hasAssertion sub:assertion;
    np:hasProvenance sub:provenance;
    np:hasPublicationInfo sub:pubinfo;
    a np:Nanopublication .

sub:assertion {
  sub:association a <>;
    rdfs:comment "The association was established by the amplicon metagenomic analysis of the gut content of the beetles, which revealed DNA of the object taxon.";
    <> sub:objtaxon;
    <> <>;
    <> sub:subjtaxon .

  sub:objtaxon <> <> .

  sub:subjtaxon <> <> .

sub:provenance {
  sub:assertion prov:wasGeneratedBy sub:research-activity .

  sub:research-activity dct:description <> .

  <> a <> .

sub:pubinfo {
  sub:sig npx:hasAlgorithm "RSA";
    npx:hasPublicKey "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCIEo4TSFAp5pUug46M+PE3k+rauSFJ/s5jLCNmNL/4XyRjVJ3D8kVq27SCmUY3dY5YvvrpYDZHafJ/cCf3wr3fVcmMTfQJnnAo5t5bPm4Uz1fXRfaoJiUKuSa1P0G2AUBmYUk9WHFDqVUurIXxfLUYKedgnU+R9hQfGbV6SRXWuwIDAQAB";
    npx:hasSignature "JpSYqlrhfbEUA0QN+F99NfbLJPKjpHw+rW2ePjz8Y6ktFVcl18Z0oryo5WL0LAAtZCrquaJcJtzDDuZgsSDbFYyUKsMJJ0kHc1DcD+PPfKi74wy5jk+hCucLW6d+A3yKOJOn2zT1qPMGN2C7Mw7KBSlKYo3KN4e3LLwxEl2HIQo=";
    npx:hasSignatureTarget this: .

  this: dct:created "2023-10-02T10:06:51.209Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
    dct:creator orcid:0000-0002-6724-6828;
    dct:license <>;
    npx:hasNanopubType <>;
    npx:introduces sub:association;
    rdfs:label "Helictopleurus giganteus (Harold, 1869) (species) - trophically interacts with - Eulemur fulvus (É.Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1796) (species)";
    nt:wasCreatedFromProvenanceTemplate <>;
    nt:wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate <>,
    nt:wasCreatedFromTemplate <> .

  <> nt:hasLabelFromApi "Helictopleurus giganteus (Harold, 1869) (species)" .

  <> nt:hasLabelFromApi "Eulemur fulvus (É.Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1796) (species)" .