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Strange matrix of interactions #63

Closed jsoberon closed 8 years ago

jsoberon commented 8 years ago

I am trying to get a matrix of interactions between a list of hawkmoths and plants. I do the following: pam=get_interaction_matrix(lstA,int2) lstA is a list with the genera of hawkmoths. int2 is the result of taking the union of the target_taxon_name part in: get_interactions(taxon=lstA,interaction.type="interactsWith"), get_interactions(taxon=lstA,interaction.type="visitsFlowersOf"), and get_interactions(taxon=lstA,interaction.type="pollinates").

These three lists are NOT empty, and their union contains 183 names. When I run pam=get_interaction_matrix(lstA,int2)

I get a 79X184 matrix of zeros. There should be ones there!!!! What I am doing wrong? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

jhpoelen commented 8 years ago

Hi! thanks for letting me know of your unexpected result. Am currently traveling and hoping to have a look at it after the weekend. More soon!

jsoberon commented 8 years ago

Thanks a lot. Look forward to your ideas.

jhpoelen commented 8 years ago

I was able to reproduce and fix the issue. The root cause was that a slightly different name matching method was used for get_interaction_matrix, leading to the observed unexpected results. The fix has been included in the development version of rglobi. Please see for instructions on how to do so. Hoping to include this fix into the upcoming release (e.g. 0.2.9)

Please confirm that this fixed the issue . . . and let me know if there's anything else that caught your attention. . .

jsoberon commented 8 years ago

Ahhh!!! Thanks Jorrit. I am going to try it in a couple of hours and will let you know if it works.

Many many thanks JS

jsoberon commented 8 years ago

Dear Jorrit, I tested your code with my data and now I do get a matrix with ones in it. I still need to check a few things, but this seems to be working now.

Many thanks for your help.


jhpoelen commented 8 years ago

Thanks for checking! Let me know if you find any other issues. Happy to help.

jhpoelen commented 8 years ago

@jsoberon the fix is now available through cran as part of version rglobi v0.2.9 thanks to the quick review of Uwe Ligges of the r-project (see attached).

Thanks, on CRAN now.

Uwe Ligges

On 08.03.2016 20:46, Jorrit Poelen wrote:
[This was generated from]

The following package was uploaded to CRAN:

Package Information:
Package: rglobi
Version: 0.2.9
Title: R Interface to Global Biotic Interactions
Author(s): Jorrit Poelen [aut, cre], Stephen Gosnell [aut], Sergey
  Slyusarev [aut]
Maintainer: Jorrit Poelen <>
Depends: R (>= 3.0.1)
Suggests: testthat, knitr
Description: A programmatic interface to the web service methods provided
  by Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI). GloBI provides  access
  to spatial-temporal species interaction records from  sources
  all over the world. rglobi provides methods to search
  species interactions by location, interaction type, and
  taxonomic name. In addition, it supports Cypher, a graph
  query language, to allow for executing custom queries on the
  GloBI  aggregate species interaction data set.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Imports: rjson (>= 0.2.13), RCurl

The maintainer confirms that he or she
has read and agrees to the CRAN policies.

Submitter's comment: Dear Reviewers:

I built this package using [R CMD
  build .] and checked it with command [R CMD check
  --as-cran rglobi_0.2.9.tar.gz] on my Mac OS X (v
  10.11.3) machine running R 3.2.3 . Also, the checks
  were executed on (running Ubuntu) and
  winbuilder (running windows).

* a rglobi
  user notices a discrepancy in name matching between
  get_interaction_matrix and get_interactions methods
  The fix included in this version now makes sure that
  the get_interaction_matrix and get_interactions
  method use the same name matching method.

  remaining note for this version is:
* checking CRAN
  incoming feasibility ... NOTE
Maintainer: ‘Jorrit
  Poelen <>’
Components with
  restrictions and base license permitting such:
  + file LICENSE
  YEAR: 2016


Thank you for taking
  the time to review my submission.

jsoberon commented 8 years ago

Many thanks to all of you in this project. I think globis has a transformative potential, and myself and my students are already beginning to play with it.

Great work folks!!

Jorge S.

From: Jorrit Poelen [] Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2016 6:30 PM To: globalbioticinteractions/ Cc: Soberon, Jorge Subject: Re: [] Strange matrix of interactions (#63)

@jsoberon the fix is now available through cran as part of version rglobi v0.2.9 thanks to the quick review of Uwe Ligges of the r-project (see attached).

Thanks, on CRAN now.


Uwe Ligges

On 08.03.2016 20:46, Jorrit Poelen wrote:

[This was generated from]

The following package was uploaded to CRAN:

Package Information:

Package: rglobi

Version: 0.2.9

Title: R Interface to Global Biotic Interactions

Author(s): Jorrit Poelen [aut, cre], Stephen Gosnell [aut], Sergey

Slyusarev [aut]

Maintainer: Jorrit Poelen<>

Depends: R (>= 3.0.1)

Suggests: testthat, knitr

Description: A programmatic interface to the web service methods provided

by Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI). GloBI provides access

to spatial-temporal species interaction records from sources

all over the world. rglobi provides methods to search

species interactions by location, interaction type, and

taxonomic name. In addition, it supports Cypher, a graph

query language, to allow for executing custom queries on the

GloBI aggregate species interaction data set.

License: MIT + file LICENSE

Imports: rjson (>= 0.2.13), RCurl

The maintainer confirms that he or she

has read and agrees to the CRAN policies.

Submitter's comment: Dear Reviewers:

I built this package using [R CMD

build .] and checked it with command [R CMD check

--as-cran rglobi_0.2.9.tar.gz] on my Mac OS X (v

10.11.3) machine running R 3.2.3 . Also, the checks

were executed on (running Ubuntu) and

winbuilder (running windows).



remaining note for this version is:

Maintainer: ‘Jorrit


Components with

restrictions and base license permitting such:



YEAR: 2016


Thank you for taking

the time to review my submission.


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