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Global Biotic Interactions provides access to existing species interaction datasets
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Plazi<>GloBI integration : check for Zotero integration methods #487

Closed jhpoelen closed 4 years ago

jhpoelen commented 4 years ago

For GloBI to index annotated Zotero literature, we need machine readable access to Zotero.

fyi - @mguidoti @slint

jhpoelen commented 4 years ago

export bibliographic information - Zotero RDF . This includes custom annotations.

Screenshot from 2020-07-14 09-32-52

jhpoelen commented 4 years ago

Here's a resulting rdf export -

    <bib:Article rdf:about="#item_1">
        <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource="urn:issn:1553-7374"/>
                        <foaf:givenName>William J.</foaf:givenName>
                        <foaf:givenName>Edward C.</foaf:givenName>
                        <foaf:givenName>George F.</foaf:givenName>
        <dc:subject>Has Supplementary Material</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-host: {sciHost: Rousettus leschenaulti, verHost: bat}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-host: {sciHost: Rousettus, verHost: bat}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-host: {verHost: bat}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-relationship: dwc-host: {sciHost: Rousettus leschenaulti, verHost: bat} dwc-virus: {sciVirus: Rousettus bat coronavirus GCCDC1, abVirus: Ro-BatCoV GCCDC1}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-relationship: dwc-host: {sciHost: Rousettus, verHost: bat} dwc-virus: {sciVirus: Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9, abVirus: Ro-BatCoV HKU9}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-relationship: dwc-host: {verHost: bat} dwc-virus: {sciVirus: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, abVirus: MERS‐CoV}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-relationship: dwc-host: {verHost: bat} dwc-virus: {sciVirus: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, abVirus: SARS-CoV}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-virus: {sciVirus: Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, abVirus: MERS‐CoV}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-virus: {sciVirus: Rousettus bat coronavirus GCCDC1, abVirus: Ro-BatCoV GCCDC1}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-virus: {sciVirus: Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9, abVirus: Ro-BatCoV HKU9}</dc:subject>
        <dc:subject>dwc-virus: {sciVirus: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, abVirus: SARS-CoV}</dc:subject>
        <dc:title>A Bat-Derived Putative Cross-Family Recombinant Coronavirus with a Reovirus Gene</dc:title>
        <dcterms:abstract>The emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in 2002 and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in 2012 has generated enormous interest in the biodiversity, genomics and cross-species transmission potential of coronaviruses, especially those from bats, the second most speciose order of mammals. Herein, we identified a novel coronavirus, provisionally designated Rousettus bat coronavirus GCCDC1 (Ro-BatCoV GCCDC1), in the rectal swab samples of Rousettus leschenaulti bats by using pan-coronavirus RT-PCR and next-generation sequencing. Although the virus is similar to Rousettus bat coronavirus HKU9 (Ro-BatCoV HKU9) in genome characteristics, it is sufficiently distinct to be classified as a new species according to the criteria defined by the International Committee of Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV). More striking was that Ro-BatCoV GCCDC1 contained a unique gene integrated into the 3'-end of the genome that has no homologs in any known coronavirus, but which sequence and phylogeny analyses indicated most likely originated from the p10 gene of a bat orthoreovirus. Subgenomic mRNA and cellular-level observations demonstrated that the p10 gene is functional and induces the formation of cell syncytia. Therefore, here we report a putative heterologous inter-family recombination event between a single-stranded, positive-sense RNA virus and a double-stranded segmented RNA virus, providing insights into the fundamental mechanisms of viral evolution.</dcterms:abstract>
        <dc:date>27 Sep 2016</dc:date>
        <dc:description>PMID: 27676249
PMCID: PMC5038965</dc:description>
    <bib:Journal rdf:about="urn:issn:1553-7374">
        <dc:title>PLoS pathogens</dc:title>
        <dcterms:alternative>PLoS Pathog.</dcterms:alternative>
        <dc:identifier>DOI 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005883</dc:identifier>
        <dc:identifier>ISSN 1553-7374</dc:identifier>
jhpoelen commented 4 years ago

globalbioticinteractions/zenodo-metadata#1 established a connection between Plazi <> Zenodo <> GloBI. No need to integrate with Zotero at this point.