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when encountering occurrence id reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080155] look for match catalog number [USNPC # 080155]] #4

Open jhpoelen opened 3 years ago

jhpoelen commented 3 years ago

From #1 and

      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 97980]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 97644]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 95442]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 95441]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 95440]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 94980]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 94139]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 92705]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 81320]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 79658]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 77654]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 77651]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 77650]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 77649]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 77648]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 71848]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 102989]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 102929]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 102907]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 081321]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080545]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080544]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080158]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080157]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080156]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080155]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080154]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080023]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080022]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080021]
      1 found unresolved reference [United States National Parasite Collection 080019]

and from USNM, turns out that they collected the imported USNPC records with as record numbers with format USNPC # [some number]

For example, United States National Parasite Collection 080155 as mentioned in MSB-Para, has a matching record in via record number USNPC # 080155

suggest for GloBI to take this into account when linking records.

fyi @dustymc @campmlc

$ zipgrep "USNPC # 080155" 60c10aea7c4dfdfd81e078541a271ceb379ab8605af819f90cd6882e8712d12e 
occurrence.txt:  PhysicalObject USNM    Invertebrate Zoology    NMNH Extant Biology PreservedSpecimen 1375515 {"hostGen":"Strix","hostSpec":"occidentalis caurina"}   USNPC # 080155  J. Reid 1           Slide62 62  1987    3   3                       North America, United States, Oregon    North America       United States   Oregon                                                              Hoberg, Eric P.; Wallner-Pendleton, E.; Hedstrom, O. R.         Centrorhynchus conspectus   Animalia, Acanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala, Polymorphida, Centrorhynchidae   Animalia    Acanthocephala  Palaeacanthocephala Polymorphida    Centrorhynchidae    Centrorhynchus      conspectus          Van Cleave & Pratt
jhpoelen commented 3 years ago

note that various MSB Para records reference the US Parasite Collection records with a (same individual as) relation, technically not an interaction, so not yet indexed and resolved:

$ zipgrep "080155" datasets/local/0e7f50547be1add0b78c29f36a66e471ee04909a4775b31e0868d320a7877e15
occurrence.txt:   PhysicalObject  2021-03-26 11:01:32.394413  en   MSB 27  MSB Parasite specimens  PreservedSpecimen       age class=adult;verbatim host ID=Strix occidentalis caurina  MSB:Para:27648      2426    Collector(s): Eric P. Hoberg    1       adult   wild caught observation collector number=2426   (parasite of) MSB:Host; (same individual as) USNM: National Museum of Natural History 1375515; (same individual as) USNPC: United States National Parasite Collection 080155  [{"scientific_name":"Centrorhynchus conspectus","nature_of_id":"unknown","accepted_id_fg":1,"made_date":"1987-03-03","short_citation":null,"publication_id":null,"identification_remarks":"Van Cleave & Pratt, 1940; Former nature_of_id: legacy.","idby":"Eric P. Hoberg","concept_label":null}]       1987-03-03  1987-03-03  62  1987    03  03  3-III-87                North America, United States, Oregon    North America               United States   Oregon      Oregon  Oregon              Eric P. Hoberg                              Eric P. Hoberg  1987-03-03 00:00:00     unverified                                  Eric P. Hoberg  1987-03-03      Van Cleave & Pratt, 1940; Former nature_of_id: legacy.  A   unknown     Centrorhynchus conspectus   Animalia, Acanthocephala, Palaeacanthocephala, Polymorphida, Centrorhynchidae, Centrorhynchus,  Animalia    Acanthocephala  Palaeacanthocephala Polymorphida    Centrorhynchidae    Centrorhynchus  conspectus      species ICZN
jhpoelen commented 3 years ago

some other parasite references use the (collected with) relation (e.g., (collected with) USNPC: United States National Parasite Collection 102989). This relation is currently not interpreted as an interaction record.

$ zipgrep -o "\t.*USNPC.*\t" datasets/local/0e7f50547be1add0b78c29f36a66e471ee04909a4775b31e0868d320a7877e15 | grep "collected with" | head -n2 | tail -n1
occurrence.txt: PhysicalObject  2021-03-26 11:01:32.394413  en MSB 27  MSB Parasite specimens  PreservedSpecimen   verbatim host ID=Alopex lagopus;verbatim host sex=female   MSB:Para:5877       13802   Collector(s): Robert L. Rausch  1               whole organism (slide)  collector number=13802    (collected with) USNPC:Para; (collected with) USNPC: United States National Parasite Collection 102989; (parasite of) MSB:Host; (parasite of) USNM: National Museum of Natural History 298475    [{"scientific_name":"Mesocestoides","nature_of_id":"unknown","accepted_id_fg":1,"made_date":"1954-08-27","short_citation":null,"publication_id":null,"identification_remarks":"R.L.Rausch verbatim ID = Mesocestoides; Former nature_of_id: legacy.","idby":"Robert L. Rausch","concept_label":null}]       1954-08-27  1954-08-27  239 1954    08  27  Aug 27 '54              North America, Bering Sea, United States, Alaska, Saint Matthew Island  North America   Bering Sea      Saint Matthew Island    United States   Alaska      Old quonset, SE valley, St. Matthew Island  Old Quonset, SE Valley, SMI                 Mariel L. Campbell              60.3844540000   -172.6565890000     30926   Mariel L. Campbell  2012-10-04 00:00:00 GeoLocate   GeoLocate   unverified                                  Robert L. Rausch    1954-08-27      R.L.Rausch verbatim ID = Mesocestoides; Former nature_of_id: legacy.    A   unknown     Mesocestoides   Animalia, Platyhelminthes, Cestoda, Eucestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Mesocestoididae, Animalia    PlatyhelminthesCestoda  Cyclophyllidea  Mesocestoididae Mesocestoides           genus   
jhpoelen commented 3 years ago

@campmlc should the arctos relation (collected with) be interpreted as co-occurs with or similar? If so, the (collected with) may indicate a likelihood of an interaction because two individuals were close to each other.