convert the range maps to a raster grid of given size -- I'd suggest an equal-area grid of 1-degree latitude and longitude at the equator, since this is known to be about the reliable resolution of expert range maps (e.g., see Hurlbert and Jetz 2007:
with those rasterized maps per species, develop a way to link the names to maps and then allow querying of any given geocoordinate -- e.g., 33.412778, -111.943056 is Tempe AZ and you can find X list of mammal species ... or else ask the question "which species of Peromyscus are found near Tempe, AZ?" and get a list of species in that same grid cell. Could also help with alternative usages of the same name, but we'd have to think about that more
as discussed with @n8upham
New maps aligned to HMW vol 9, CMW, MDD v1.2 (neat!) MDD v1.2 maps on Zenodo: HMW maps on Zenodo: