globaldothealth / monkeypox

Mpox 2022 repository
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Time-series data of cumulative number of recovered/fatal cases as well as confirmed cases #178

Open lisphilar opened 1 year ago

lisphilar commented 1 year ago

Datasets of cumulative number of COVID-19 confirmed/recovered/fatal cases accelerated studies of data analysis with math models. Regarding monkeypox, "Confirmed" is now provided at this great repository, and addition of "Recovered" and "Fatal" is expected.

I think we have two choices for improvement.

  1. add a script for calculation for internal-use of developers and run the script after linelist updates
  2. provide users with Python/R interface for calculation

My trial suggested a few lines of Python codes is required for calculation.


lisphilar commented 1 year ago

@jim-sheldon If I understand the changes on 23Sep2022 correctly, we will close this issue and move forward to

Recovered data may be difficult due to