globaldothealth / outbreak-schema Day Zero Outbreak schema
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Travel_history_start #12

Open sadiekelly opened 7 months ago

sadiekelly commented 7 months ago

Travel_history_start captures the date when the individual began travel. Travel_history_entry captures the date when the person entered the country, with the country indicated in Travel_history_location. In the case that the person started their travel prior to entry to the country indicated in Travel_history_location, should a record of all countries entered be captured, with dates associated to each if available? If no dates are available is it useful to record the order in which the countries were travelled to determine those more recently entered? Type of transport used is also captured on the WHO T1 form, is this useful to determine transmission? ISARIC ICC records all countries, cities, towns and regions entered within the last 14 days, but with no dates associated.

sadiekelly commented 6 months ago

Day0 schema should allow multiple entries of travel destinations with dates where available, to admin level 2 as the most granular. Confirm admin level 2 correct as current schema label indicates admin level 3. Capture order of travel, start with most recent. Mode of transport of travel can be added as a separate variable e.g. Type of transport used - Train | Aeroplane | Ship | Personal vehicle | Taxi/Shared vehicle | (Others?)

sadiekelly commented 4 months ago

Priority to ensure multiple travel history locations with dates if available