globaldothealth / outbreak-schema Day Zero Outbreak schema
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Consider addition of data on specimen type and collection date #19

Open sadiekelly opened 7 months ago

sadiekelly commented 7 months ago

The ISARIC Core CRF captures data on the biospecimen type taken for pathogen testing and identification. The CDC line list template used to initial investigation of unexplained respiratory illness also captures this information.

ISARIC response options are 1, Nasal/NP swab | 2, Throat swab | 3, Combined nasal/NP + throat swab | 4, Sputum | 5, BAL | 6, ETA | 7, Lesion swab | 8, Urine | 9, Faeces/rectal swab | 10, Blood | 88, Other

Should these options be added to the schema? The G.h schema currently captures date of confirmation (test result obtained). Would date of collection also be useful as these dates may differ by several days and may provide information transmission?

sadiekelly commented 6 months ago

Add sample collection date to day0 schema. Variable name Date_lab_collect, label Date of confirmation sample collection, iso8601date. Add sample type to day0 schema. Example options from cdc linelist (respiratory focus) are Nasopharyngeal swab, Nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate, Oropharyngeal swab, Sputum, Tracheal aspirate, Bronchoalveolar lavage, Pleural fluid, Lung tissue, Blood, Serum, Urine. Add Lesion Swab, Faeces/Rectal Swab from ISARIC form. May need to be amended dependent on pathogen.

sadiekelly commented 4 months ago

Priority for sample collection date

sadiekelly commented 1 month ago

Allow for multiple specimen types e.g. for H5N1 cases respiratory and conjunctival samples taken which may have different results