globaldothealth / outbreak-schema Day Zero Outbreak schema
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Outcome = ongoing post-acute condition #22

Open sadiekelly opened 7 months ago

sadiekelly commented 7 months ago

If Outcome is indicated as 'ongoing post-acute condition' (or to be coded as 'sequelae' consistent with WHO T0 form), should an indication of the ongoing symptoms or conditions be captured to provide data on longer term issues and assess potential risk factors for this?

sadiekelly commented 6 months ago

Add variable to capture any ongoing symptoms or conditions following initial acute illness where outcome is indicated as 'sequelae'. This might need to be free text initially as it will be likely unknown what ongoing conditions may arise during a particular outbreak. Specific conditions could be added to a coded dictionary list once determined. Free text would require standardisation to e.g. snomed.

Currently there is nowhere to capture the date an outcome was assessed unless the outcome is recovered or death. Is it important to know an outcome assessment date where sequelae were determined for example?