globaldothealth / outbreak-schema Day Zero Outbreak schema
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Contact_setting (Priority = Medium) #7

Open sadiekelly opened 8 months ago

sadiekelly commented 8 months ago

The day0 schema collects data on settings where contact with the confirmed or suspected case occurred.

The T0 toolkit defines a timeframe for this contact (xx weeks/months prior to falling ill).

Should a timeframe be defined in the day0 schema? Is this available in G.h sources?

lauramerson commented 8 months ago

I don't feel the time period is critical. day0 schema should collect contact information within any time period felt relevant (or sufficiently recent) to record by the public health agency. These time periods may change with each disease.

sadiekelly commented 8 months ago

No changes required, keep the day0 schema flexible to capture data over any relevant time period

sadiekelly commented 7 months ago

The definitions for the responses for Contact_setting indicate 'large' gathering but with no definition of how a large gathering would be defined. The WHO T0 and T1 forms also refer to mass gathering events to collect exposure data. The T1 form collects number of people attending the gathering. Should a definition be added to 'mass gathering' if this is possible, or categorise number of people attending the event e.g. less than 20, 20-50 for example, using ranges that are useful for analysis.

sadiekelly commented 6 months ago

Amend the existing contact_setting response options to include indication of size of gatherings, similar to toolkit forms. An example will be added for review. Example included in issue #4