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IndicePA and ANAC RPC Web Monitoring Platform concept #1929

Open fpietrosanti opened 7 years ago

fpietrosanti commented 7 years ago

As an outcome of the upcoming projects for national anticorruption in italy we have already planned to test loading of all italian anticorruption officers #1925 and to incorporate all the Italian public agencies #1651 into GlobaLeaks.

This means that basically we're going to have an import script for both data-sets and it would be very useful to interpolate them, in order to get out with a single answers:

By interpolating those data set with a unique import script, we could quickly come out with a useful web application that could visualize based on aggregation criteria (geographical vs. hierarchical like central public agencies, regional public agencies, local public agencies, health sector public agencies) which are the public agencies that does not comply with the law by communicating an anticorruption officer.

That could enable a visualization of the non-compliant public agencies but it could also enable clicktivism triggering trough social media re-broadcasting of the non-compliance and automated notification to the public agency on a periodical basis (ex: monthly) about the non-compliance.

It could also enable sending a report to ANAC (the national anticorruption authority) to let them issues sanctions for the anticorruption law non-compliance.

That project idea is really a "nice to have" to be a companion to the project being worked-on, in order to gain better visibility but also to increase the amount of official anticorruption officers available to send anticorruption tip by italian whistleblowers.

NSkelsey commented 7 years ago

A good first step with this kind of project is to test the thesis by performing the analysis. Lets for sure start by producing an answer to the two questions: