globaleaks / whistleblowing-software

GlobaLeaks is free, open-source whistleblowing software enabling anyone to easily set up and maintain a secure reporting platform.
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Vary the logo of the platform when the context is selected #2643

Open evilaliv3 opened 5 years ago

evilaliv3 commented 5 years ago

In many projects like Filtrala, Mexicoleaks, Publeaks and WBPA it has been requested the possibility for making it possible to vary the logo of the platform when the context is selected.

This seems to be particularly useful in projects where the Logo of the initiative is the logo of a project while the logo of the context is the logo of a specific participant organization joining the project.

evilaliv3 commented 5 years ago

\cc @Stephane-FILTRALA @SylvainFPU @martinszy

SylvainFPU commented 5 years ago

Do you have a visual of this change (to understand it better)?

martinszy commented 5 years ago

I think we could find useful to more prominently display the logos of the partners once they have been selected, but this is not currently a high priority issue for us.

evilaliv3 commented 5 years ago

@SylvainFPU: no actually i've not have a visual.

To make an example suppose a platform has a platform logo and a logo for each of the context. The idea is to change the logo that is on the header as from the Logo of the project to the logo of the Context as soon that the user select the context.

elbill commented 4 years ago

Commercial applications involving groups of companies could also benefit from this. This will increase the ownership and involvement of employees in whistleblowing. This would be a great feature.

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback @elbill.

Given your experience it would be really grat if you could pass over our ticketing system and provide suggestions! thank you!

SylvainFPU commented 4 years ago

I think that we would be okay with just the logo of the Recipient (a media partner in Publeaks case), as the whole background will match and remind the Publeaks platform anyway

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your feedback @SylvainFPU.

Actually i think the best would be to find a way to preserve both the logos, reworking the submission interface to mention which is the context selected for the submission showing both the name and the eventual configured logo of the context. Would this work for you?

This in my opinion would probably work for all the projects that have been developed so far.

SylvainFPU commented 4 years ago

That would also work fine for us. But in case this option is too demanding of your time, just the one logo of the recipients will also work for Publeaks

elbill commented 4 years ago

@evilaliv3 coming back to this, could we have a cost estimate of this feature as well as time required?We have a client that would be interested in this. If we knew the cost and time we cold make an offer to our client and we could fund the development. If development is under way we could still make a donation if the feature is ready and we land the contract

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you @elbill;

The feature is minimal, quoted alone may take one or two days including the implementation of the internationalization, the testing and including it in the general software maintenance. We are trying to limit direct involvement on small features development as they drive us far from the general software development but thank you for asking. The best recommendations in general is if you can collect all your feature need and provide feedback so that we could analyze all together and with your support fundraiser for them.

As for the specific feature in my current analysis i thin that more than varying the logo of the site, i think it could work to leave the logo of the site but modifying the interface to show also the name / logo of the context selected before the form. would this work for you?

elbill commented 4 years ago

@evilaliv3 Your suggestion is more than enough. Having both logos is adequate to give an sense of ownership to whistleblowers. Having the primary logo and next to it the context logo would work for us. Having an option to hide the primary logo would be nice to have but not strictly necessary. It is quite straightforward can't really think of any other requirement. We are open to support this feature in any way financially or not.

SylvainFPU commented 4 years ago

We are also happy to support this feature if it fit your roadmap @evilaliv3

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you @SylvainFPU, this ticket is definitely inline to be included in the general software but like others not considered strategical for the development of the software.

This year we will be focused in completing strategical goals related to stabilization multitenancy and crypto so that no extra feature will be implemented if not inserted in a long term road mapping but for doing plans we need to know the budgets we could count on.

Instead of requesting feature at once i advise you and @elbill to eventually identify your needs and feature requests and share the budget you could use to support the project development during 2020/2021 so to build the roadmap around the available budget and try to fits all your needs. This is the general advise we are giving to our users because considering the overhead that a contractor for a single feature has and the distraction that it takes to the project we need to proceed in a more organized manner. thank you for your understanding.

elbill commented 4 years ago

Hi @SylvainFPU. Would you like to have a teleconference end of next week to have a chat to agree on user requirements and then get back to @evilaliv3 with something that would be useful for both our organisations (and the whole of the community). Regarding budget @evilaliv3 I can think of something that is based on 2 workdays based on our own daily rate, but maybe this will not be fair from your perspective. Can you give us an idea about the required budget to bring it to the table when we have the chat with @SylvainFPU (maybe we can have a PM chat on slack). Regarding time-frame we would be interested to see the implementation by end of February. Maybe this is too much to ask! Just noting installation we are after will be very important for Greece and unique case study for globaleaks worth talking about (if everything goes well).

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you @Vassilis - elbill, i understand your points. The issue that we have right know is that we have funded projects that we need to accomplish and few time to accomplish strategical goals that would support our sustainability. For this reason we need to be able to know to which is the budget we could count over one year and build a roadmap that includes all the user needs. It is not feasible for us to support all projects at one time and this most of the time causes that we could accept one project with one single budget, instead of accepting all with all their budgets and we end up in some months in which we are completely unfunded. Maybe for features like this instead of making a contract it could work better if you could just perform a donation via GitHub via the GitHub sponsorship program ( that this year will be matched by GitHub up to $5000. Thank you

elbill commented 4 years ago

We would love to donate however unfortunately our co-funding does not allow donations because of EU and national regulations for our funded project. Only contracts are allowed, where the feature will be described. ( I honestly thought that was taking such contracts) Only if there was a short implementation timeframe 1-1.5 months to know that we will be able to use it for our commercial activity we would have the liquidity and be able to donate (our margins are quite low). In this case a Github matching fund would be great.

What do you suggest?

Furthermore if you have any pool of users that design Globaleaks long term we would love to get involved. Github is a good source of new features and improvements however our perspective is often fragmented if we don't know the long term vision. I'm sure that your projects give you quite a lot of feedback but from my experience "projects" are often restrictive.

I have heard that there will be a meeting in Athens on the 5-6 of February. On the 5th I will be abroad but will be here on the 6th and may be invited to speak about our experience with whistleblowing so far. I suppose you will not be here but would love to speak with your colleagues.

In any case your work @evilaliv3 is highly appreciated and would like to thank you!

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

@elbill i understand thank you. Let me see what we could do. WhistleblowingSolutions is the social enterprise we created for be able to provide professional services but we use it when it comes to projects of a duration of months / years. Practically speaking the team is small and for sustainable reasons focused on projects that last at least months or years but does not implement custom development of small features like this where the administrative overhead is bigger thant the advantage for the project.

Anyway, to move this think forward in the meantime i've developed this. Would it work for you? Screenshot_2020-01-10 evilaliv3 gmail com - Blow the whistle

SylvainFPU commented 4 years ago

I take this solution if it is simpler for you @evilaliv3 . Happy to chat anyway @elbill

elbill commented 4 years ago

Nice thanks!!. It would be perfect if it had the settings option to hide or not the main logo so it will not take vertical space and not being distracting. A single logo can improve the feeling of ownership. The two logos (umbrella company and single company) will reduce trust that the issue will be resolved internally. This is not always the case however from such a case we are in discussions with a potential end users they would like to have the option to hide the umbrella company logo (and the user is always right). But if it too much work we can compromise :-)

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

@elbill @SylvainFPU : Actually varying the main logo is not an option as it would require major rework. If you need separated platforms where each platform has its own personal look and feel please us the multitenant features to build multiple independent sites. The context topic is specifically designed for umbrella companies that need to stay below the umbrella.

In the meantime i've produced the same mockup for recipients selection that will appear if recipients selection is enabled. in this case i think would be nicer to avoid showing the picture that results more compact. what do you think?

Screenshot_2020-01-10 evilaliv3 gmail com - Blow the whistle(2)

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

@elbill @SylvainFPU : A group of Usability experts is supporting us with a review of globaleaks and the design of a freash new interface. They already interviewed our users to collect their needs and now they have developed mockups for the new interfaces and they are collecting feedback from users to understand if uses like them and respects their needs. Do you mind to participate in this feedback interview?

If viable for us just fill this form and you will be able to choose a day/time with your preferences

It would be actually really great if you could make it! thank you

elbill commented 4 years ago

@evilaliv3 I believe whatever is the case for whistleblowers should also be for recipients ( recipients would not miss the space in a vertical list, they have to scroll down anyway and the will do it from their PC.) The whistleblowers may use it from their phone, that would be different, space is more valuable. Taking under considerations the restrictions and effort required : Whistleblowers: both logos recipients: preferably both logos or single logo

I'm more than happy to fill in the form and dedicate some time.

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Actually i was wrong @elbill, for recipients we dont need such an interface as all works like a charm with current interfaces.

Screenshot_2020-01-10 evilaliv3 gmail com - Blow the whistle(3)

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

@elbill @SylvainFPU : Starting from the next viable release you will find as well included this feature.

It is not exactly what you were hoping for but its actually only what imanaged to do in this short time to try to satisfy fastly your needs.

elbill commented 4 years ago

@evilaliv3 thanks a lot!. We will implement it on a test system and will give feedback.

elbill commented 4 years ago

@evilaliv3 I have updated my test system to 3.11.61. It looks very nice. I have a couple of notes.

On the first page there is a "selected context" text item and a submit button that are not needed. On the second page there is again the "selected text" which does not seem to be customisable. So it should either be customisable or to be removed if customisation is complex.

Context should preferably appear in bold


test - Βγάλε πληροφορίες στη φόρα - Google Chrome 1_12_2020 1_02_58 PM test - Βγάλε πληροφορίες στη φόρα - Google Chrome 1_12_2020 1_04_39 PM

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your fast feedback @elbill.

Going to proceed fixing the button visibility (removing it) and removing the text Selected context, just leaving the title of the context in bold.

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

@elbill: The previous commit applies your suggestions and the following is the preview of the interfaces:

Screenshot_2020-01-12 XXX - Blow the whistle

Screenshot_2020-01-12 XXX - Blow the whistle(1)

evilaliv3 commented 4 years ago

@elbill: If you would like to try it out, your feedback has been included in release 3.11.62

elbill commented 4 years ago

@evilaliv3 Works like a charm. One last suggestion that has to do with the visibility, aesthetics and consistency of the interface. The context name could be on the top right of the logo to resemble the context cards. I think it looks much nicer and more consistent with the previous context card screen (even though I feel bad to suggest aesthetic improvements on a Sunday evening). thanks again test - Στείλτε την αναφορά σας - Google Chrome 1_12_2020 5_32_35 PM

SylvainFPU commented 3 years ago

It would be good if this feature would not apply to the main context which has the same logo as the platform

Screenshot from 2020-11-25 10-34-21

SylvainFPU commented 3 years ago

Ideally at some point, this feature could replace the main logo and name of the platform.

For #Publeaks it is not a problem as the environment and colors lok the same.

Screenshot from 2020-11-25 09-58-33

elbill commented 3 years ago

@SylvainFPU this is not a problem if you don't assign a logo in the main or any other context. However @evilaliv3 as soon as a logo is asinged in a context, it can not be removed, only replaced. Can we add a removal function?

evilaliv3 commented 3 years ago

@SylvainFPU: I understand your feedback and need but unfortunately this do not work on many projects so i canno implement it easily without making it optionally configurable. In fact many platforms use the context as a topic or branch of a company. Look for example at wildleaks or dr.oetker; In all this cases the main logo should remain the same as it is the logo of the project owner. Eventually to satisfy your suggestion we would need to implement a more complex configurable component but this would actually require major

@elbill: In version 4.1 I added the possibility to remove the images from both context and users. Would you please try if it works for you? thank you?

SylvainFPU commented 3 years ago

Okay @evilaliv3 but maybe this if something visually a bit nicer for this logo and name of the Recipient. Eg: place in the top bar at the right of the main logo, or something else that would make a clearer and nicer UI