globalpayments / globalpayments-3ds-js

Helper library for leveraging 3DSecure 2 for Strong Customer Authentication (SCA)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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3d secure v2 #14

Open Jey-Vclub opened 4 years ago

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

Hello all,

Im using global payments sdk to make payments with 3d secure version2. I did some POC using their SDK and its ok.

But, i do have very less knowledge about design payment gateway page with global payments

any one of you, please help me how to collect card details, pass it to global payments with 3d secure v2, incase if the card is not enabled for 3ds v2 then it has work by normal payment methodology.

experts please help me

thanks jey

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jey-Vclub

How to collect card data to process an Authorization is outlined here:

With more detail in the API Explorer:

You might also consider using the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) which is responsible for collecting card data, performing 3D Secure 2 and so on. It also reduces your application's PCI overhead and is generally a more secure way (from a merchant perspective) of processing card data.

The HPP documentation is available here:

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

One more question, if I use HPP then will it take care method url, notification url, frictionless, challenge also?

Thanks & Regards

Jey Technical Architect & Business Analyst Leisure Dimensions Ltd Platform Development & Support Team Working Hours : Email : Ext: 3016 9:00 to 18:00 hrs (PT)

Reg. Platform, Elo-Si & www.LeisureDimensions.com website issues, please create ticket from herehttp://helpdesk:8081/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa/wo/ with proper screenshots and steps to re-produce the issue. We’ll getback in 24 working hours.

From: Seán MacDomhnall Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:10 AM To: globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js Cc: Jeyaseelan J; Mention Subject: Re: [globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js] 3d secure v2 (#14)

Hi @Jey-Vclub

How to collect card data to process an Authorization is outlined here:

With more detail in the API Explorer:

You might also consider using the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) which is responsible for collecting card data, performing 3D Secure 2 and so on. It also reduces your application's PCI overhead and is generally a more secure way (from a merchant perspective) of handling card data.

The HPP documentation is available here:

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Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

Good Morning

From URL, said there is example for HPP on github so, I visited the page But, the example is in PHP only not in .Net. evidence please refer below screenshots so, could you please share example of HPP in .net? its really really urgent.



Thanks & Regards Jey From: Jeyaseelan J Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 9:44 PM To: globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js; globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js Cc: Mention Subject: RE: [globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js] 3d secure v2 (#14)

One more question, if I use HPP then will it take care method url, notification url, frictionless, challenge also?

Thanks & Regards

Jey Technical Architect & Business Analyst Leisure Dimensions Ltd Platform Development & Support Team Working Hours : Email : Ext: 3016 9:00 to 18:00 hrs (PT)

Reg. Platform, Elo-Si & www.LeisureDimensions.com website issues, please create ticket from herehttp://helpdesk:8081/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa/wo/ with proper screenshots and steps to re-produce the issue. We’ll getback in 24 working hours.

From: Seán MacDomhnall<> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:10 AM To: globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js<> Cc: Jeyaseelan J<>; Mention<> Subject: Re: [globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js] 3d secure v2 (#14)

Hi @Jey-Vclub

How to collect card data to process an Authorization is outlined here:

With more detail in the API Explorer:

You might also consider using the Hosted Payment Page (HPP) which is responsible for collecting card data, performing 3D Secure 2 and so on. It also reduces your application's PCI overhead and is generally a more secure way (from a merchant perspective) of handling card data.

The HPP documentation is available here:

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Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

hello @seanmacdomhnall-gp

first thanks for your response. i did read many things from

at the end i developed 2 pages to use Lightbox

`<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Index.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication3DsV2.HPP.Index" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

below code is code behind of the same Index.asp

using GlobalPayments.Api; using GlobalPayments.Api.Entities; using GlobalPayments.Api.Services; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace WebApplication3DsV2.HPP { public partial class Index : System.Web.UI.Page { string strDbMode = "QA";

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

    private  string HPPResponse()
        // configure client, request and HPP settings
        var service = new HostedService(new GatewayConfig
            MerchantId = (strDbMode != "Live" ? CommonConstant.MerchantId : CommonConstant.MerchantId.Replace("Test", string.Empty)),
            AccountId = CommonConstant.AccountId,
            SharedSecret = CommonConstant.SharedSecret,
            ServiceUrl = "",
            HostedPaymentConfig = new HostedPaymentConfig
                Version = "2"

        // Add 3D Secure 2 Mandatory and Recommended Fields
        var hostedPaymentData = new HostedPaymentData
            CustomerEmail = "",
            CustomerPhoneMobile = "44|07123456789",
            AddressesMatch = false

        var billingAddress = new Address
            StreetAddress1 = "Flat 123",
            StreetAddress2 = "House 456",
            StreetAddress3 = "Unit 4",
            City = "Halifax",
            PostalCode = "W5 9HR",
            Country = "826"

        var shippingAddress = new Address
            StreetAddress1 = "Apartment 825",
            StreetAddress2 = "Complex 741",
            StreetAddress3 = "House 963",
            City = "Chicago",
            State = "IL",
            PostalCode = "50001",
            Country = "840",

            var jsonFromRequestEndpoint = service.Charge(19.99m)
               .WithAddress(billingAddress, AddressType.Billing)
               .WithAddress(shippingAddress, AddressType.Shipping)
            MyHidden.Value = jsonFromRequestEndpoint;
            return jsonFromRequestEndpoint;
            // TODO: pass the HPP request JSON to the JavaScript, iOS or Android Library

        catch (ApiException exce)
            return exce.Message;
            // TODO: Add your error handling here

} ` Under lib folder included rxp-hpp.js and rxp-remote.js files

HPPResponse.aspx page also designed but, no need to post it here because, the problem is in Index page, its not at all creating iframe , simply displaying plain page.

may i know what is the reason of not creating iFrame?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

Hello there,

can someone please help me on this issue?

thanks jey

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jey-Vclub, I'm not sure what you mean when you say:

But, the example is in PHP only not in .Net. evidence please refer below screenshots so, could you please share example of HPP in .net?

On that page you can switch between languages (Java, PHP, .NET), the HPP screenshots don't change as the language you are using has no bearing on the HPP itself.

As for why the iFrame is not being created. It's difficult for me to tell based on the code that you have posted, are there any errors being shown in the Console of your browser's Developer Tools? Also, if you check the Network tab of the Developer Tools can you see the AJAX call to the server-side and the JSON string be returned?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

hello @seanmacdomhnall-gp thanks for your response. Now, iframe loaded popup and i entered card details, after that it is went to HppResponse.aspx but, there is no hppResponse hidden field so, i cant get the response so, what it could be the problem? kindly help me

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

If the transaction is processed successfully, the HPP will return the response to the iFrame as a JSON string. This is then sent to the HppResponse.aspx and the browser redirected. So are you saying that the JavaScript Library is sending a blank string to HppResponse.aspx or what?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

thanks for your response @seanmacdomhnall-gp

the transaction is completed, and the page redirected into HppResponse.aspx, there at page_load event i tried to get value by using var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"]; but, it gives null value so,

  1. I tried view page source from browser there is no hppResponse hidden object
  2. while making transaction, I put break point in rxp-hpp.js in below code

//Create a form and submit the hpp response to the merchant's response url var form = document.createElement("form"); form.setAttribute("method", "POST"); //form.setAttribute("method", "GET");

                form.setAttribute("action", merchantUrl);
                form.setAttribute("id", "frmJ");

                form.appendChild(internal.createFormHiddenInput("hppResponse", response));


  1. there i could see the form objects outerhtml text has
    object elements too

But, when i it reach HppResponse.aspx there is no hidden object as hppResponse

At the same time if i change the code like form.setAttribute("method", "GET") then HppResponse.aspx has query of hppResponse hidden object.

could you please guide me to resolve this issue?

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

@Jey-Vclub with the breakpoint in place, for example at form.submit(), what is the value of the variable response?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago


At form.appendChild(internal.createFormHiddenInput("hppResponse", response)); this line response value is like below


_form.outerHTML_ shows below

"<form method="POST" action="https://localhost:44397/HPP/HppResponse.aspx" id="frmJ"><input type="hidden" name="hppResponse" value="{&quot;CAVV&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;SHIPPING_CODE&quot;:&quot;NTAwMDE=&quot;,&quot;SRD&quot;:&quot;YmgyUGZ0aHpNc3p5b21JQg==&quot;,&quot;CVNRESULT&quot;:&quot;TQ==&quot;,&quot;HPP_CUSTOMER_PHONENUMBER_MOBILE&quot;:&quot;NDR8MDcxMjM0NTY3ODk=&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_STREET3&quot;:&quot;SG91c2UgOTYz&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_STREET1&quot;:&quot;QXBhcnRtZW50IDgyNQ==&quot;,&quot;PASREF&quot;:&quot;MTU5NzE0MTYxMzc3Mzg5Mg==&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_STREET2&quot;:&quot;Q29tcGxleCA3NDE=&quot;,&quot;MESSAGE&quot;:&quot;WyB0ZXN0IHN5c3RlbSBdIEFVVEhPUklTRUQ=&quot;,&quot;BILLING_CODE&quot;:&quot;VzUgOUhS&quot;,&quot;DS_TRANS_ID&quot;:&quot;MmE4NDJiMzYtNDMyMi00MDhhLWE0NTAtNGQ4YjNhYmVhNWY0&quot;,&quot;ACCOUNT&quot;:&quot;aW50ZXJuZXQ=&quot;,&quot;AVSPOSTCODERESULT&quot;:&quot;TQ==&quot;,&quot;AMOUNT&quot;:&quot;MTk5OQ==&quot;,&quot;TIMESTAMP&quot;:&quot;MjAyMDA4MTExMTI2NDU=&quot;,&quot;pas_uuid&quot;:&quot;NTJhZDllOWEtMmE5Ny00NGI4LTkzZjAtNDU3NTRjZjZmN2Rm&quot;,&quot;HPP_BILLING_STREET3&quot;:&quot;VW5pdCA0&quot;,&quot;HPP_ADDRESS_MATCH_INDICATOR&quot;:&quot;RkFMU0U=&quot;,&quot;HPP_BILLING_STREET2&quot;:&quot;SG91c2UgNDU2&quot;,&quot;AUTHCODE&quot;:&quot;MTIzNDU=&quot;,&quot;HPP_BILLING_STREET1&quot;:&quot;RmxhdCAxMjM=&quot;,&quot;HPP_BILLING_CITY&quot;:&quot;SGFsaWZheA==&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_COUNTRY&quot;:&quot;ODQw&quot;,&quot;AVSADDRESSRESULT&quot;:&quot;TQ==&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_POSTALCODE&quot;:&quot;NTAwMDE=&quot;,&quot;AUTHENTICATION_VALUE&quot;:&quot;TVRJek5EVTJOeWc1TURBNU9EYzJOVFF6TWpFPQ==&quot;,&quot;HPP_BILLING_POSTALCODE&quot;:&quot;VzUgOUhS&quot;,&quot;ECI&quot;:&quot;MDU=&quot;,&quot;HPP_BILLING_COUNTRY&quot;:&quot;ODI2&quot;,&quot;MESSAGE_VERSION&quot;:&quot;Mi4xLjA=&quot;,&quot;BATCHID&quot;:&quot;ODIwMTky&quot;,&quot;XID&quot;:&quot;&quot;,&quot;SHA1HASH&quot;:&quot;Y2I1OWE4ZjYwNjkwZjQxOGViZTUzNmYyMzEwNzhlNzk2OTY1ZDM3ZA==&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_CITY&quot;:&quot;Q2hpY2Fnbw==&quot;,&quot;ORDER_ID&quot;:&quot;NkprblJWMFc1a1dUa1gtaGFNOU9Cdw==&quot;,&quot;BILLING_CO&quot;:&quot;ODI2&quot;,&quot;HPP_SHIPPING_STATE&quot;:&quot;SUw=&quot;,&quot;HPP_CUSTOMER_EMAIL&quot;:&quot;amFtZXMubWFzb25AZXhhbXBsZS5jb20=&quot;,&quot;RESULT&quot;:&quot;MDA=&quot;,&quot;SHIPPING_CO&quot;:&quot;ODQw&quot;,&quot;MERCHANT_ID&quot;:&quot;Uk1JQ29uc29ydGl1bVRlc3Q=&quot;}"></form>"

One more info is form.submit(); at this line i see in QuickWatch it says 'undefined'

please let me know if you need any more info.

thanks jey

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean exactly by One more info is form.submit(); at this line i see in QuickWatch it says 'undefined'

It says what is undefined? form?

If the browser is being redirected to HppResponse.aspx that means the form is submitting. Can you see from the Browser Developer Tools (or whatever you are using to inspect the code) - when the browser is redirect to HppResponse.aspx the form data should be included which is the JSON response string?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago


when i inspect from chrome browser the page looks like below and there is no hppResponse hidden object

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

Is that screenshot from when you inspect the page on HppResponse.aspx?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

yes, its from HppResponse.aspx inspect screenshot

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

I would not expect there to be a hppResponse object on HppResponse.aspx the client-side unless you have written the code to create one.

When form.submit() triggers it sends a HTTP POST to HppResponse.aspx and also redirects the browser there.

So now we're back to your server-side code from earlier, where you want to grab the value of the POST.

For .NET that's var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"]; (or whatever server-side method you wish to use to do this).

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago


I have 2 pages, Pay.aspx and HppResponse.aspx

From Pay.aspx its open lightbox HPP, there i enter CC details then its redirected to HppResponse.asox

On HppResponse.aspx Page_load event i tried to run the code var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"]; (server side code) but, it returns only null value since, there is no object as "hppResponse" So, i tried to execute the same code at Page_Init event (server side code) then also returns null;

after that only i realized that the client side JS the <form>.....</form> is not submitted.

I dont know what to do; thats why seeking your help.

thanks jey

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

When you say

<form>.....</form> is not submitted.

What form are you referring to? It cannot be the form created by rxp-hpp.js, we know that is submitted from the fact that the browser is redirected HppResponse.aspx.

So I guess the next question is why, on the server-side, HppResponse.aspx cannot pick up the value of the HTTP POST that contains hppResponse?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

What form are you referring to? It cannot be the form created by rxp-hpp.js, we know that is submitted from the fact that the browser is redirected HppResponse.aspx.

below is my HppResponse.aspx, there after post nothing is generated

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="HppResponse.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication3DsV2.HPP.HppResponse" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">

<head runat="server">

    <form id="form1" runat="server">


So I guess the next question is why, on the server-side, HppResponse.aspx cannot pick up the value of the HTTP POST that contains hppResponse? Yes you are right, i also have the same question

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

@seanmacdomhnall-gp my biggest doubt is, the form is not submitted, thats why there is no hppResponse hidden object preset in HppResponse.aspx if so, what shall we do?!!

please help me

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

The form must be submitted, otherwise the redirection to HppResponse.aspx would not occur.

Can you share the code that exists here: HppResponse.aspx.cs

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

@seanmacdomhnall-gp below is the code behind of HppResponse.aspx.cs

`using GlobalPayments.Api; using GlobalPayments.Api.Entities; using GlobalPayments.Api.Services; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace WebApplication3DsV2.HPP { public partial class HppResponse : System.Web.UI.Page { string strDbMode = "QA";

    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            var __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR"];
            var __VIEWSTATE = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATE"];
            var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"];

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            var __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR"];
            var __VIEWSTATE = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATE"];
            var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"];


seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jey-Vclub, I can't really see anything from what you have posted. Are you able to see the JSON string hit the server-side at all? For example, in the network logs?

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

@seanmacdomhnall-gp thanks for your update.

sorry no json comes to HppResponse.aspx and aspx.cs(meant server side). If we fixed to have html text return from HPP iframe on HppResponse.aspx then the problem is resolved but, that is the problem. seriously more than 2 weeks im trying in many different ways but, nothing helped me, as well 3d security dead line is nearby.

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago


I have created new project so, below are the steps i did

  1. Create new web form application project using .net framework 4.7.2 from Visual Studio 2019, set project name as 3dSecurityHPP

  2. Delete all .aspx files from root directory. Create 2 new web forms called Pay.aspx and Response.aspx

  3. Pay.aspx code is below

`<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Pay.aspx.cs" Inherits="_3dSecurityHPP.Pay" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="Scripts/LibGlobalPay/rxp-hpp.js"></script>


        $(document).ready(function () {
            //alert("script start");
            if ($("#MyHidden").val() == "1") {
                $.getJSON("pay.json", function (jsonFromRequestEndpoint) {
                    //alert("before start sethppurl");
                    //jsonFromRequestEndpoint = $("#hdnJson").val();
                    //alert("after sethppurl");
                    RealexHpp.lightbox.init("payButtonId", "https://localhost:44386/Response.aspx", jsonFromRequestEndpoint);

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <input type="submit" id="payButtonId" value="Checkout Now" onclick="return false" />
            <asp:HiddenField ID="MyHidden" runat="server" Value="1" />
  1. Installed GlobalPaymentAPI version 1.6.9 since, the lattest version gives error in next step at line var service = new HostedService(new GatewayConfig so, i used v 1.6.9

  2. Pay.aspx..cs (server side code is like below) `using GlobalPayments.Api; using GlobalPayments.Api.Entities; using GlobalPayments.Api.Services; using Newtonsoft.Json; using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace _3dSecurityHPP { public partial class Pay : System.Web.UI.Page { static string strDbMode = "QA"; protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) { HPPResponse(); } //var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"]; }

    public string HPPResponse()
        // configure client, request and HPP settings

        var service = new HostedService(new GatewayConfig
            MerchantId = (strDbMode != "Live" ? CommonConstant.MerchantId : CommonConstant.MerchantId.Replace("Test", string.Empty)),
            AccountId = CommonConstant.AccountId,
            SharedSecret = CommonConstant.SharedSecret,
            ServiceUrl = "",
            HostedPaymentConfig = new HostedPaymentConfig
                Version = "2"

        // Add 3D Secure 2 Mandatory and Recommended Fields
        var hostedPaymentData = new HostedPaymentData
            CustomerEmail = "",
            CustomerPhoneMobile = "44|07123456789",
            AddressesMatch = false

        var billingAddress = new Address
            StreetAddress1 = "Flat 123",
            StreetAddress2 = "House 456",
            StreetAddress3 = "Unit 4",
            City = "Halifax",
            PostalCode = "W5 9HR",
            Country = "826"

        var shippingAddress = new Address
            StreetAddress1 = "Apartment 825",
            StreetAddress2 = "Complex 741",
            StreetAddress3 = "House 963",
            City = "Chicago",
            State = "IL",
            PostalCode = "50001",
            Country = "840",

            var jsonFromRequestEndpoint = service.Charge(19.99m)
               .WithAddress(billingAddress, AddressType.Billing)
               .WithAddress(shippingAddress, AddressType.Shipping)
            //hdnJson.Value = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonFromRequestEndpoint);

            JToken token = JToken.Parse(jsonFromRequestEndpoint);
            JObject json = JObject.Parse(Convert.ToString(token));

            // serialize JSON to a string and then write string to a file
            File.WriteAllText(Server.MapPath("") + "\\" + "Pay.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json));
            return jsonFromRequestEndpoint;
            // TODO: pass the HPP request JSON to the JavaScript, iOS or Android Library

        catch (ApiException exce)
            return exce.Message;
            // TODO: Add your error handling here


  1. Create Pay.json file in root directory itself.

  2. Create folder called LibGlobalPay under Scripts folder, there copy paste js file from

7.1 CommonConstant.cs is a static class file to keep shared secret, Merchant id etc.,

  1. below is the code of Response.aspx
    `<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Response.aspx.cs" Inherits="_3dSecurityHPP.Response" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>


9. below is the code of Response.aspx.cs(server side code)
`using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace _3dSecurityHPP
    public partial class Response : System.Web.UI.Page
        string strDbMode = "QA";

        protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                var __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR"];
                var __VIEWSTATE = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATE"];
                var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"];

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                var __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR"];
                var __VIEWSTATE = Request.Form["__VIEWSTATE"];
                var __hppResponse = Request.Form["hppResponse"];

10. set Pay.aspx as start page and run there when i click **payButtonId** id then HPP pops up, there i gave CC as 4263970000005262, CVV as any 3 digit, exp. as 12/21, card holder JEY and click "Proceed to verification" button

11. No problem raised so, automatically moved into Response.aspx there is no hppResponse generated.

So, the same issue continues. Could you please take my source code and try to reproduce the issue from your end.

Kindly let me know if you need any more info.

thank you very mcuh
jey #
Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

good morning @seanmacdomhnall-gp

was that my post helpful to reproduce the issue!!?

thanks jey

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

Good morning @seanmacdomhnall-gp

Is there any good improvement about my query!!?

thanks jey

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

Hello @seanmacdomhnall-gp

Did you get a chance to resolve this issue?

Kindly let me know if you need more details, we are awaiting since, its very important issue.

thanks jey

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

Hi @Jey-Vclub, please reach out to or your Global Payments account manager for further escalation steps. There is not much more we can do in this thread and this should be handled by our Operations Team. Thanks.

Jey-Vclub commented 4 years ago

Many times I reached your ecom support team but, no response from them as well they stopped phone support too. After that only I posted to here.

How do I find my payments account manager?

Thanks Jey

Thanks & Regards Jey Technical Architect & Business Analyst Leisure Dimensions Ltd Platform Development & Support Team

Working Hours :9:00 to 18:00 hrs (PT)


Ext: 3016

Reg. Platform, Elo-Si & www.LeisureDimensions.com website issues, please create ticket from here with proper screenshots and steps to re-produce the issue. We’ll getback in 24 working hours.

From: Seán MacDomhnall Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 2:00:03 PM To: globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js Cc: Jeyaseelan J; Mention Subject: Re: [globalpayments/globalpayments-3ds-js] 3d secure v2 (#14)

Hi @Jey-Vclub, please reach out to or your Global Payments account manager for further escalation steps. There is not much more we can do in this thread and this should be handled by our Operations Team. Thanks.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe

seanmacdomhnall-gp commented 4 years ago

I have spoken to my colleague on the Support Team who is going to reach out to you.