globalpayments / python-sdk

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No response for CVV & AVS verification through global payments for card tokenization #5

Open storagerepo opened 3 years ago

storagerepo commented 3 years ago

Hi, My software verification process got failed due to not requesting for AVS and CVV verification. The review team explained the app is not requesting for CVV and AVS verification.

Actually I designed my app to first request for token from the card details collected. Tokenization snippet response=card.verify().with_currency('USD').with_address(address).with_request_multi_use_token(True).with_allow_duplicates(True).execute()

I can get token from response and I use the same token to Authorize the card and charge it.

Authorize and Charge snippet authorize_response = card.authorize(total_total).with_currency("USD").with_address(address).execute() payment_response = Transaction.from_id(authorize_response.transaction_id).capture(total_total).execute()

On charge response I get response code 00 and status APPROVAL. Where I am missing AVS and CVV verification here. I could not find any documentation on this. Thank you.

MSmedal commented 3 years ago

Hi @storagerepo , Your Authorization and Charge snippet looks fine, so I'd verify that your card and address objects you're passing in during the authorize call have the info you expect. I'll send you an example via the support email thread you mentioned.

storagerepo commented 3 years ago

Hi @MSmedal, Thank you for the reply. I looking forward for the example snippet from you. In the meanwhile I figured out that I missed Cvv in the Authorization call . Now I can able to request for cvv verification. But still AVS verification is not working.

Tokenization Response

avs_response_code:'M' avs_response_message:'Street address and postal code matches.' balance_amount:None batch_summary:None card_last_4:None card_type:'Disc' cavv_response_code:None client_transaction_id:None commercial_indicator:None cvn_response_code:'P' cvn_response_message:'Not Processed.' emv_issuer_response:None gift_card:None order_id:None payment_method_type:<PaymentMethodType.Credit: 2> points_balance_amount:None recurring_data_code:None reference_number:'029410478727' response_code:'00' response_message:'CARD OK' response_values:{} timestamp:None token:'R4ScWP2mOCRbvU5XGB7d2599' transaction_descriptor:None transaction_id:'1338840386'

During this tokenization call, I can get AVS and CVV verified and get card token. Next I will process this authorize call,

Authorize call request

card = CreditCardData() card.token = response.token card.cvn = '123' # This resolved the cvv request problem address = Address() address.street_address_1 = '6860 Dallas Pkwy' address.postal_code = '75024' response = card.authorize(amount).with_currency("USD").with_address(address).execute()

Authorization Response

avs_response_code:'0' avs_response_message:'AVS Not Requested.' balance_amount:None batch_summary:None card_last_4:None card_type:'Visa' cavv_response_code:None client_transaction_id:None commercial_indicator:None cvn_response_code:'M' cvn_response_message:'Match.' emv_issuer_response:None gift_card:None order_id:None payment_method_type:<PaymentMethodType.Credit: 2> points_balance_amount:None recurring_data_code:None reference_number:'029410479122' response_code:'00' response_message:'APPROVAL' response_values:{} timestamp:None token:None transaction_descriptor:None transaction_id:'1338841046'

In the above response, it returns AVS not requested and token is None.

MSmedal commented 3 years ago

Hi @storagerepo , would you mind replying in our support email thread? The above all looks normal and our certification team should be able to proceed with your certification.

ben9543 commented 1 year ago

Hello @MSmedal I am having the same issue. Can you please let me know where should I be reaching out?

MSmedal commented 1 year ago

Hi @ben9543, our certification help team can be reached at