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Media Cloud Image does not appear in exported html #14

Open shrutimehta13 opened 6 years ago

shrutimehta13 commented 6 years ago

related to #10

  1. Open a pad.
  2. Perform Media Cloud search and choose 'Add to pad'

    MC word search image cloud gets added to paf

  3. Choose Import/Export button (arrows button), Export current pad as say html

Observed: Media cloud word images do not appear in the html

connieimdialog commented 6 years ago

@sapraaman is it possible to add the URL of the image beneath the inserted image.

maybe this will help our other issues. because when you add an image directly to etherpad from outside the platform, it does this.

sapraaman commented 6 years ago

@connieimdialog if I drag/drop image from outside browser into etherpad window, image gets displayed. Now when I export to html using arrows button, I see "*" in place of image, and I don't see any url.

When you say "when you add an image directly to etherpad from outside the platform, it does this.", what are the steps you are following ?

And there is no url of the image when we generate it from DOM, its a blob

connieimdialog commented 6 years ago

hi @sapraaman sorry about that, i just realized, that URL thing only happens if you attach an image using the paperclip button. you can see it under the "test" pad

sapraaman commented 6 years ago

Ya see it @connieimdialog , but I don't think it applies to us because there is no url of the image when we generate it from DOM. Should I spend some more time on this trying to debug how to build HTML by modifying ep_copy_paste_images plugin ?

connieimdialog commented 6 years ago

ok, so, get this @sapraaman -- if you export the HTML the other way -- by clicking on the "Export" button on the tool bar, you will see an HTML downloaded with an included image. but the source code looks like .. crazy.

unless the above helps somehow, let's just hold on this

sapraaman commented 6 years ago

Thats not so crazy @connieimdialog, the crazy code is actually image blob. Scott told me that we added "Export" button because the other export was not working.

So wait, isn't "Export" button enough for us, when the only reason we have "Export" button is that arrow button was not working while exporting images ?

sapraaman commented 5 years ago

@shrutimehta13 same comments as #6 . Also, there are 2 ways to export to HTML. It would work one way and not the other.

If you try to insert an image, and export it to html, and then try to add mc image and export it to html, both should have similar output in html - one method would work and the other would not.

shrutimehta13 commented 5 years ago

@sapraaman i see two buttons screen shot 2018-07-11 at 6 07 40 pm Using this MC word image shows as *

screen shot 2018-07-11 at 6 07 50 pm using this always disabled state Export button (separate bug?)- MC word image shows up in html

@CrisNelson if this is the expected behaviour, we can close the ticket