globalvoices / NewsFrames-Code

Code for the NewsFrames Platform available at
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#254 Feature to add MC query result as image to etherpad #2

Closed sapraaman closed 6 years ago

sapraaman commented 6 years ago

Etherpad plugin to listen to message from outside window. Etherpad configuration settings define what all domains to listen from. When message arrive to add an email, it create an image tag, and add its at current position.

Updated query display panel to add a menu item. Menu item takes snapshot of MC search results, and send message to etherpad to add snapshot as image.

Updated readme to add instruction on how to install the new plugin.

Disabled captcha in development mode.

Pending: Capistrano hook to automatically install the plugin on remote server with every build. This will be done once plugin is ready to be deployed on staging.