oewn-01798679-v (Interlingual Index: i30704)
(v) suffer experience (emotional) pain “Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers”
oewn-00064841-v (Interlingual Index: i22102)
(v) suffer, hurt be in pain
oewn-02125976-v (Interlingual Index: i32364)
(v) suffer, hurt, ache feel physical pain “Were you hurting after the accident?”
oewn-00078154-v (Interlingual Index: i22163)
(v) suffer feel unwell or uncomfortable “She is suffering from the hot weather”
There are four senses of 'suffer', which all basically mean 'to feel pain'. No other reference dictionary makes this distinction. The first sense allows transitive and intransitive usage and the others only allow intransitive usage, but they all seem to have the same frame.
Synsets oewn-01798679-v (Interlingual Index: i30704) (v) suffer experience (emotional) pain “Every time her husband gets drunk, she suffers”
oewn-00064841-v (Interlingual Index: i22102) (v) suffer, hurt be in pain
oewn-02125976-v (Interlingual Index: i32364) (v) suffer, hurt, ache feel physical pain “Were you hurting after the accident?”
oewn-00078154-v (Interlingual Index: i22163) (v) suffer feel unwell or uncomfortable “She is suffering from the hot weather”
Motivation There are four senses of 'suffer', which all basically mean 'to feel pain'. No other reference dictionary makes this distinction. The first sense allows transitive and intransitive usage and the others only allow intransitive usage, but they all seem to have the same frame.