oewn-10410299-n (Interlingual Index: i91815)
(n) packrat a collector of miscellaneous useless objects
oewn-10300973-n (Interlingual Index: i91146)
(n) magpie, pack rat, scavenger someone who collects things that have been discarded by others
Wiktionary has: One who collects or hoards, especially unnecessary things.
I think we can merge 10410299-n into 10300973-n, give it two variants pack rat, packrat and maybe define as "someone who collects things, especially useless objects or those that have been discarded by others"
Or if we think scavenger is different enough, then keep both, and move magpie and pack rat to 10410299-n, ...
Synsets oewn-10410299-n (Interlingual Index: i91815) (n) packrat a collector of miscellaneous useless objects
oewn-10300973-n (Interlingual Index: i91146) (n) magpie, pack rat, scavenger someone who collects things that have been discarded by others
Motivation Wiktionary has: One who collects or hoards, especially unnecessary things. I think we can merge 10410299-n into 10300973-n, give it two variants pack rat, packrat and maybe define as "someone who collects things, especially useless objects or those that have been discarded by others"
Or if we think scavenger is different enough, then keep both, and move magpie and pack rat to 10410299-n, ...