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court #160

Closed arademaker closed 3 years ago

arademaker commented 5 years ago

two senses that could be merged?

1) 2)

Note that 59-n is hyponym of 53-n

arademaker commented 5 years ago

or maybe not. sinced one sense is the noun.artifact (the place?) and the other is a (the group of people?)? Most of the time, we can't distinguish these senses in text.

vcvpaiva commented 5 years ago

they should not be merged, in my opinion.

arademaker commented 5 years ago

But 59-n can't be hyponym of 53-n if we take 59-n to be the place and 53-n the group. Moreover, in

a room in which a lawcourt sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"

lawcourt (only in 59-n, artifact) can not sit! the group of people can sit, not sits, right?

jmccrae commented 5 years ago

It would seem to me that the broader term ewn-08346380-n refers to courts in general and the narrower term ewn-03654773-n refers specifically to a law court, as opposed to a military court. As such I would say the senses are distinguished, but there is an issue with a word being a hypernym of itself as this is something we wish to avoid. Perhaps, removing the word 'court' from ewn-03654773-n is the easiest fix here?

restinplace commented 5 years ago

Both are courts, but they're not the same. See e.g. As has been mentioned, neither refers to the place, which would be: (5){03125429} [06] S: (n) court#2, courtroom#1 (a room in which a lawcourt sits) "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"

For example, if Trump (or Bolsonaro) were to be impeached, the Senate would serve as a tribunal. Even though it would certainly be referred to as,
and understood to be, a kind of court (which is why "court" needs to be in both synsets), the Senate isn't a court of law -- it can do whatever the Senators want it to.

there is an issue with a word being a hypernym of itself as this is something we wish to avoid Uh, it's not the same "word" -- it's a form with both broad and specific senses.

arademaker commented 5 years ago

Let us avoid jokes about politicians?! I prefer not to comment about Trump and there a lot of miss information about Bolsonaro. Maybe we should add something about it in the guidelines @jmccrae ?

I can agree with the comments but still, we miss the law court in both synsets. And none of the interpretations above explain the fact that one synset is in the lexicographer file noun.artifact and the other is in the

Moreover, we still have issues with the gloss of

a room in which a lawcourt sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom"

sits/sit and lawcourt only presented in the synset part of the noun.artifact lexicographer file.

jmccrae commented 4 years ago

@arademaker I am not sure I see the issue. This is the distinction between court as a physical place (hence noun.artifact) and court as an institution (hence

Would you propose adding a new synset for 'law court' as a physical place?

arademaker commented 4 years ago

There is an issue in the gloss of courtroom

(a room in which a lawcourt sits; "television cameras were admitted in the courtroom")

Also, remove court from the since it is hyponym of as you suggested.

We need to add the MWE law court in as another spelling variation for lawcourt.